This crazy motherfucker is best monster
Monster Hunter
it's not
mfw over 1000 defense
No that would be kut-ku. You're confusing the dumb birds.
>mfw tempered shit will still one shot you and arch tempered will do it even harder
Were super deviants even necessary?
not in World, he doesn't even animation cancel anymore and they fucked up his roar
world is so fucking ugly
>1000 defense and no earplugs or evade window
retard alert
retard alert
>his intro with joe
Yes but not with so much fucking health. Going 30 minutes knowing you can die in 1-2 hits at any moment is fucking grating
Why the fuck are Deviljho hunt investigations so fucking hard to get? I'm crown hunting the fucker and every investigation I get for the area don't have him.
Thought just came to me. Is devil even IN the guiding lands outside that cutscene? I know savage is but I haven't seen regular
Moly Hunter sure is a tedious game to play. Those shits barely ever spawn even with zoologist/biologist and when they do it's just the basic bitch flavoured ones. I need the ice one so I can tank that shit and move on to wildspires grinding for the desert one.
Nope. As far as I know regular Joe doesn't exist in IB outside of that cutscene. I think it's invincible there as well, since people have tried spamming traps and shit to kill it without success.
Can you level safi armor the same way you do it weapons after fighting it
*spends five minutes running back and forth in your path*
Just sling him bro
>full earplugs
>full health boost
>full affinity
>just farm the zinogre event quest for decos bro
zinogre is literally the hardest monster in the entire game with diablos a close second
I can knock out tempered rajang without even breaking a sweat but this stupid lightning faggot is just a piece of shit, especially with his dumb unavoidable lightningbugs
>charges back and forth 4 times in a row and stuns you to finish you off with a fireball
He's such a good boi
I know the struggle
Just learn lance, bro.
What is the objectively most fun weapon type?
Use lance and just stand on his feet countering him all day
Takes about 10 mins per hunt, might not be the most fun but it’s the most efficient way I found
Hunting Horn
I want to watch Zinogre rape countless huntresses.
The hunter type
>that character
>tfw you get him stuck in a counter loop until something on him pops.
counter, 2 pokes, counter, 2 pokes, counter, 3 pokes, repeat.
So fucking fun to pull off.
Whatever you enjoy the most, faggot.
>fighting him in the areas it goes to in the forest
What weapon are you using? I can reliably do the event Zinogre in 8:30 mins no problem with a crappy SnS set but fuck it up with other weapons
ugly drawing, get better material
Not even trolling or baiting, Yian Garuga is fucking amazing.
I got around 6000 MH pics saved, i'd say i already have enough material.
LS, GS, GL, lance, SNS, SA, and hammer
i just fucking hate the zinogre fight with all my being
it's amazing how stygian is so much more fair despite being a dlc endgame monster
Well then get better taste