What's your dad's favourite videogame?

What's your dad's favourite videogame?

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Airport simulators

my dad doesn't like video games :(

either Twilight Princess or Galaga

hitting mommy

dune 2

my dad clocked thousands of hits on my mom. hby?

Attached: 228230-blackthorne-snes-front-cover.jpg (800x577, 103.56K)

planescape torment

Virtua Cop

When I was like 12/13 my dad completed Chips Challenge over 3 months

Ive tried to get him into other puzzle games like BABA IS YOU but he's not interested any more

fuck and run.

1944. It’s a fun game actually

Age of Empires 2

I think it's either Mario Bros. or Asteroids.

I don't think any. He got a kick out of watching me play Fallout because he loves alt history kind of stuff.

Skyrim weirdly enough. He didnt really like oblivion when it came out and basically gave it to me. Then Skyrim came out and he was literally obsessed with it and would be up all night playing

Space Cadet Pinball

Wolfenstein (the original) or Monster Truck Madness 2

Get on my dads level

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Worms Armageddon

I don't know he left before I was born.

Diablo 2 and Quake 2

Doom 2016


He has been playing this for literally 20 years

Tomb raider 1 ps1

Final Fantasy 7

I bet he’s good as shit at it though

He really liked to play racing games. Loved mario kart snes and was blown away when we got the 64 with 3d graphics. He had an old Atari with tons of old games and i actually grew up playing that until the snes. Even had that shitty et game. I miss you old man rip

Spider Solitaire

Black ops 2. My moms is Galaga.

Unironically Space Harrier 2 and Pole Position.

C&C: Generals

He just plays mobile games now though.


but thats a moms' game

Probably Diablo 2, Warcraft 3, Quake, or some Flight Sim. He played those a lot when I was younger.