Legend of Zelda LOZ

Sorry Boomers, but this game is BAD
>Ubisoft style empty open world
>Bland unoriginal fantasy story
>Dumb elf stuff
>Broken game-play
>Uninteresting characters
>Terrible graphics
>Unrealistic time travel mechanics
>Elf's are stupid and boring

ANYONE who defends this game is blinded by nostalgia, is a stupid boomer who hasn't played a new game in 20 years, and that is a FACT. Sorry not sorry but this game has aged like milk and is bad.

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you're wrong

no you are nerd

possibly the worst bait I've ever read and that's saying something


This must be b8 cuz I can't believe you'd defend this game

Aside from all the subjective points. You're right OoT is shit.

Ocarina of Time is a classic and one of the greatest games of all time
But you are right elves are lame

We’re leaving.

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most games age like milk, but Ocarina was goat for it's era.

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So what's the best Zelda, then.

You know what's weird though. That really only applies to the classic 3D games. Most of the iconic 2D games still hold up. Why is that?

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this is like a 2006-era troll attempt

Twilight Princess

For future reference, if you want to just make Boomers mad, you say Skyward Sword.

They only hate you for speaking the truth because you're a fucking retard that can't articulate your point.
>Hyrule Field is a giant, completely barren wasteland of a lobby
>Every single dungeon in the game, without fail, is "oh fuck not this part"
>Everything in the game is subservient to the story, absolutely no fleshing out of characters or world elements without respect to Link getting the spiritual stones and subsequently saving Zelda
>Three sidequests in the game, all of them are completely vapid because the game is so laser focused on the fucking story
>Z-targeting heralded for its ingenuity but it has issues if an enemy is either just out of range or at a weird angle with respect to Link
Ocarina of Time is the 1990s equivalent of a PS4 exclusive. You're at best walking around a themepark, or at worst walking around a movie set. Wanting to fuck either of the big tiddy or little tiddy fish does not make it a good game.


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>Every single dungeon in the game, without fail, is "oh fuck not this part"
What do you mean?

3D is harder and took longer to figure out, both design and hardware wise

>implying the Zelda cycle hasn't already kicked in.

Boomers like SS now because it had "nice combat" and "some of the best dungeons in the series".

If you want to make Boomers mad, you say BOTW.

>Boomers defend Hyrule field of Ocarina
>Boomers also say BOTW is empty

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Are we finally realizing that Ocarina was never good??

All the gimmicks suck.

>Jumping off the top of the tree and hoping you maintain just enough air control to land on the web
>Also the fire/water puzzles

>Throwing the bomb flowers just-so, because if you're off by a little bit, some things will detonate and others won't so the puzzle won't be completed
>Also the Lizolfos fights
>Also the bouncing steel things in the room where you have to land the bomb on the really thin ledge and it's a pain in the dick to get just right

>Babysitting a tsundere throughout Jabu-Jabu
>Everything to do with the Poe Sisters
>Those fire wall puzzles where, unless you're some autistic master of memorization, you're beating by a ball's hair or forced to do several times
>Link! Look out! It's really cold in here and you have thirty seconds to drop your blue fire next to the ice and have it not melt because fuck you that's why!
>The Water Temple
>The first half of the Well where you're doing your best not to fall in the pit of redead
>The second half of the Shadow Temple where you're trying not to fall into bottomless pits and get captured by I don't remember which ones take you to the entrance masters
>Having to redo all of the shitty gimmicks for Ganon's Tower unless you do the acute angle glitch in the fire temple wing to skip right to the top of the tower
What a fucking chore.

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Dumb ass doesn't even know what a boomer is...

ok boomer

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This thread is dumb.

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u r dumb for liking this game

no u

Attached: So much waiting.webm (640x480, 2.86M)

knock on wood

But that's the fun part

This is some of thr worst bait I've ever seen

You are wrong
But you are also right, OOT is great but it can't stand up to how amazing twilight princess is.

Now botw, that's a shit game.

>hate OoTs Hyrule field
also dumbfucks
>love every open world game including the sequels like WW and BoTW that have even less interactivity


I will never understand what possible metric people are using to call OoT a masterpiece and BotW shit. You can prefer one over the other but how can you say OoT is so much better? OoT was historically important but the game is braindead easy aside from the water temple, which is the only fun temple past the age of 9. BotW is not super hard but at least it has room for creativity in the combat and the dungeons (although short and few) capture the water temple style design.

Hyrule field is maybe 1 km long and 700 meter wide, not on remotely the same level as botw emptiness.

the fact that OoT still triggers asshats is proof alone that it is the greatest game

haters are probably the same breed of idiot that hate on the N64 controller just because their IQ wouldn't allow them to hold it correctly

The only maybe good part of the game is the boss fights. Off the top of my head I can't think of any real offenders. I'm not slogging through this shitpile just to get to the bossfights though, other games have good boss fights too and deliver better overall games at the same time.

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How can other fish girls even compete

Your complaints are that the dungeons are too unique and likely too challenging for you. It's right to assume the kind of people making OoT sux threads are on the same level of gameplay as Egoraptor.

>the fact that OoT still triggers asshats is proof alone that it is the greatest game

That must make The Last of Us the best game of all time by your retard logic

A game triggering people doesn't make it good
Yiik also triggers people. Does that make it just as good as Ocarina?

>Your complaints are that the dungeons are too unique and likely too challenging for you
If you were capable of misrepresenting an argument any worse than this, you'd be in games journalism. My favorite Zelda game is Zelda II, what fantasy land are you living in where watered down A Link to the Past is "too unique and challenging" for me?

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