how far will they change from the original
Part 2 prediction thread
Not much. They are still gonna travel with the same objectives. Probably a couple of added scenes with sephiroth, ghosts and foreshadowing, but it will be the same mostly.
Yuffie wont be optional, we have yet to guess if we are gonna meet her before or after junon. Probably after since they need to make red XIII the new hot shit in part 2
Chadley and Bugenheim will have a materia kiosk at the Cosmo canyon observatory, selling you the best summons available! As long as you catch 10 Cosmo rats.
The observatory scene explaining how the universe is propelled by spirit materia will be replaced by a hologram of Sephiroth smirking at the party and showing Cloud some flashback.
The party will go ooooooh and ahhhhhh for several minutes. Then you'll be teleported to Nibelheim by the ghosts who meanwhile learned how to communicate telepathically, probably using the voice and image of a child.
See you in 2030 for part 3, where you almost reach the Forgotten City.
Who gives a shit anymore
No. World. Map.
It's gonna be motorcycle-riding Soldiers everywhere, constantly interrupting cutscenes to show you their dope new trick and taunt you with saturday-morning cartoon villain laughter.
Shinra will kidnap Yuffie to use as a bargaining chip to put wutai further under their heel.
my prediction is there won't be a part 2
I dunno, falseflagging Wutai seemed to be President Shinra's methodology, Rufus might wanna just avoid fucking with them further so his Turks have a cool place to go on vacation.
Do you think they'll upgrade yuffie to a required party member? They can make her more involved in the plot that way
they made vincent and yuffie optional because they rushed the original game and they got no space
So yeah, they should
what do you think part 2 will cover?
Time jannies are going to steal all of your equipment/materia/exp
Entirely. It's like the rebuild of evangelion. The first one is basically the same but slightly different, then every part afterwards is completely different
yuffie keeps trying to join a convent but changebad ghosts shenanigans ensue
This guys right. Notice how they painted themselves into a corner by taking all the materia and gear you would have received as you progressed through part 2 and giving it to you in part 1. They have to do something entirely different.
They blew their load too fast with Sephiroth, using significant tracks outside of their respective areas and constant "CHANGE THE END OF THE ORIGINAL GAME OUR FUTURE IS OURS TO DECIDE" finale when there's still an entire planet to adapt. They'll just say it's too expensive to continue and Nomura is fired LOL.
Probably this
didn't they kill the time jannies in the end of part 1
spoilers say so
unless they are chasing sephiroth through the world then the entire game will be different.
no flashback at calm.
no catching chocobo before zolom marsh.
sneaking into Junon and taking a ship across to costa del sol.
anything and everything that can be changed will be.
I wouldn't know I don't play shit.
By the end of part 2 I expect Cloud, future Sephiroth and Zack all fighting to save Aerith from the boss time ghost.
they will finnish the remake in an all exclusive graphic novel that wont make it out of Japan like they did with FFXV. as a matter of fact Square learned nothing from that ordeal.
part 2 will only go as far as jenova on the cargo ship. screenshot this. inb4 seething weeaboos
>future Sephiroth and Zack all fighting to save Aerith from the boss time ghost
for what purpose
they don't give a shit about her in the original
yuffie and vincent will be required because of dirge of cerberus and advent children. however we wont see them until part 8 or 9 when we finally get to nibelheim
In Part 2 Genesis comes back. Part 3 is the finale and ends with you killing 1997 purple Cloud.
No way they can do optional party members these days. It would be too noticeable how they never interact with other characters.
for what? they've spoiled just about every meaningful original game twist. it's gonna be FF7 fanfic from here on out
>alterations to the story
>still no boss fight against Cobalt XIV and Indigo XV
Wasted potential.
>an all exclusive graphic novel that wont make it out of Japan like they did with FFXV
didn't even know this existed and I was somewhat following what was happening with the DLC
yeah Tabata quit to make his own company and a retarted game based on paraolympics in tokyo. Squeenix decided no tabata no dlc. Then made the decision to turn it all into a novel.
Make no mistake Square will fuck this remake up. They should just get a smaller studio to do ff16 and just be the publisher.