Play online game
>play online game
>write something to chat
>get banned

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Other urls found in this thread:

>act retarded
>get banned

>break TOS
>Get banned

wow big shock

Go back to your cucksheds niggerfaggots

>make the same thread for the 2000th time
>somehow not doxxed and had your skull caved in

>linking to fucking reddit
go back and stay there frognigger

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Reminder that the same cocksuckers whi defend this shit spouting the terms of service bullshit are the same ones that were against refunds and are against reselling your games. They also report these threads so they get shut down by the jannies.

Anything to defend their corporate overlords because they can get games on sale and have all of their games tied to the same distribution platform. If only you knew how good things were before digital distribution platforms became commonplace.

>Let me guess he sperged out and screamed nigger
>"lol nibba you smurfing"

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It's not bullshit, its what you agree too when you play the games. I'm sorry you're too delusional to see that reality. You break it and get caught, you deserve to have your game access removed. You have no argument.


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>you agreed to have your balls chopped off bro, whats the big deal?

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Read the TOS.

Never reply to me again

Where does it say "don't use the nibba word"?

>tfw teabag chad

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I dont think Apex Legends devs care about the race of the person who said it. Completely missing the point.

But nigger isn't even a xenophobic word, it's racist

>Completely missing the point.

did you miss the part where he said nibba?

totally deserved


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>Ctrl + F nibba
>0 results

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It's one thing to be banned for vulgar speech; it's entirely another to be banned just because you have an opinion somebody doesn't like. People won't jive with that shit too much longer.

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>tell friend you can't talk on mic because you're eating crackers
>get perma banned for xenophobiia

There is no justice.

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Shit that never happens.

>he doesn't report ALL forms of xenophobia

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>racism outside of Yas Forums
That one is yikes from me, Chief!

thanks mods.

Seems more people are okay with it than not though. Things wont change till that shifts.

>pay $60 for a game + more for microtransactions
>have it taken away because of someone's hurt fee fees
lmao why is this allowed

>lmao why is this allowed

because (((they))) want an excuse to steal money.

>Break TOS
>Lose access to game.

No ones fault but your own

because you hurt their fee fees user.
you need to apologize!

point me to the exact sentence where it says you lose all your money for saying nibba.

>noooo why can't I say racist shit on other platforms like I do on Yas Forums?! it's not fair! muh freeze peach!
are you subhumans really that retarded?


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There is none, because its written in a way that ambiguous cases can be judged.

Also, you pushing boundries to try to get a rise out of people is probably against TOS too, just saying. You're not subtle, you're not clever, you're a moron who paying for a service and losing it due to your own volition.

Say no to niggerism