Assuming a game is going to be either mediocre shit is better than assuming a game is going to be good.
Publishers give you false hope and only females need false hope.
Assuming a game is going to be either mediocre shit is better than assuming a game is going to be good.
Publishers give you false hope and only females need false hope.
please stop posting pictures of my two adoptive mothers
I love Pochi, but we already have a thread on Yas Forums
just post porn of her and get this shit over with
>false hope
Nowadays most big game corporations are led by their marketing teams. Bit fanpandering there, bit comedy here, maybe some tits here and there you go. Million retards bought that shit on release, game is barely playable and a buggy mess. But hype is where its at today, nothing else.
Once you paid your 60-70 bucks the corporation doesn't give a damn about you any longer.
>hm the right girl is cute let's look up her anime
>it's yet another sao ripoff
I don't understand why people have such a cynical, defeatist mindset.
Granted, "being hyped" is infantile, but engaging on an experience and expecting to have a bad time? How can you live like that and not commit suicide after a few months?
And it's absolute trash as well
Reminds me of that one iranian minister harassing some swedish dude on tinder.
how do we fix anime?
Isekai needs to disappear forever
>But but sao has no ss // incest user.
>Implying you can
Who are studios listen to: the otaku who buy the BDs and the merch or westerners who never gave a single cent to the industry and whose only interaction with anime was watching Adult Swim reruns?
Simple. Stop watching isekai shit & go watch Dorohedoro then read the Manga
It is too late. I have already bought figures, BDs and volumes of the manga for this show.
I try to have neutral expectations rather than being outright cynical about things.
But constantly being disappointed when you expect things to be good is still worse than expecting most things to be shit and being pleasantly surprised occasionally.
You don't know what suffering is unless you grow-up during the era where every studio tried to make its own Love Hina clone. Thank god that's finally fucking over.
Toonami and Adult Swim faggots are the equivalent of SJW and feminists: they aren't interested on buying a product and still they want it to pander to them.
You should always be critical about every product you buy nowadays.
Especially videogames nowadays have become products where its no longer important for big game companies to satisfy their customers. Its all about pure sales.
If you look at former titans like Bioware or Blizzard they all started as white, fat neckbeards in a basement until they've become the twisted abominations they are today.
In the past Blizzard employees would've been ashamed to produce some of the stuff in modern WoW, nowadays they don't give a damn. Squeeze every cent out of those MMO retards that you can, offer them the same fucking horse just recolored for the fifth time, just keep those subscriptions flowing at all costs.
Hire the most ugliest, black tranny with the most insane sonic fanfics on deviantart, just get us that wider audience, just let them consume like pigs in a barn.
What does your image have to do with your post?
You sound like someone who mentally shoves politics into games and therefore you can't even think about videogames without engaging on such boring mental tirades.
I just see videogames as videogames. Sometimes they're good and sometimes they aren't and that's it.
Watch tower of god
>calling things sao ripoffs when sao is a .hack ripoff
And usually they aren't. The economic incentive to make them good just isn't there. That's the problem.
OPs do it to garner attention. If they post something of relevancy to the conversation then threads will have a hard time getting posters to talk. I blame newfags and coomers mostly, but let's be fair in reality we're all to blame.
SAO could've been saved if his cousin was his sister and his sister was the main girl and they dropped the harem shit.
Ahem, just videogames. That is why one of the first Battlefield Vagina trailers had a american woman, with a prosthetic arm fighting against nazis. She didn't even look like a damn soldier.
Well and I mean its not just politics. Look at disasters like Fallout 76 or No Man's sky. People were fucked over by the devs. Both of these games were completely unplayable during release. It had disaster that would've been unfathomable in any other regular game. Private information was leaked, false advertising, Fallout 76 was later changed so the cash shop would become a necessity.
That is why it is important to be critical nowadays. You cannot trust big game companies to not sell you complete garbage and by the time you realize it might be too late to refund it. In the case of steam its just 1 hour for example.
You can't, the demographics need to change.
when vr will let me cuddle with them?
>And usually they aren't
I can't think of a single year where I didn't enjoy a lot of games. Well, there are slow years but to say that "games are bad now" is a straight lie.
Not gonna read your politic tirade.
Okay, does she fuck her son for real or not.
Exactly, the only solution is killing off all the otaku
No, she's a shotacon
Its not about politics, only the first line is about politics. The rest is just about sheer customer abuse. Read the damn post or Mommy will not give you milky tonight!
No, because she isn't actually his mom.
Are you really surprised?
>No, because she isn't actually his mom.
Then why aren't they fucking?
>game has incest themes with your mom
>its NBR step-mom shit
HARD pass.
Why does Mamako not like Elves?
Ah, the s-word. The one word that can destroy any strong romance story with a single syllable. How infuriating.
They make competition for her son's dick.
Why do people lie by saying she's not his blood related mom?
>no /ss/ doujins
why do you lie to me user?
Really nice video gaem thread by the way.
Read Ane Naru Mono. Better written and has a canon H-manga
Because people would rather do NTR doujins than have her with her husband