Yuna (X) or Yuna (X-2)?

Yuna (X) or Yuna (X-2)?

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Slut mode for me


>not Rikku.

>girl before bbc vs after bbc

>buying the HD collection and never even launching X
X-2 is my favorite FF game so which do you think?

Left looks lewder for some reaosn.
Right is like covering a blow up doll with rubber bands.

how can you tell she has AIDS?

Of course her X-2 outfit is better, what kind of question even is this?

I pick lulu


Women, independent of the clothes they're wearing, are not sluts.

X-2 Yuna looks off

ffx-2 Yuna is so fucking ugly

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X-2 is the best final fantasy game

Is that Azasuke Wind?
I used to think he was the hottest shit like 10 - 15 years ago, now it all just seems so lame and boring

FFX-2 anal slut Yuna every day!

>are not sluts.

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Do you think Yuna went total Eat Pray Love when she joined the Gullwings? Like, did she have one night stands with randos in Kilika or fool around with Rikku?

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I played X-2 for one hour and almost got an aneurysm.
Should I give it another try?

She looks better in X, but she has a better character in X-2.

She definitely fooled around with Rikku!

X. I like how innocent and autistic she is in that game. Kind of heartwarming

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You mean she has a character in X-2.

Why is she so ugly in x2?

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X-2 is non-canon garbage

It's a love it or hate it sort of game. Don't feel bad if you hate it.

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She goes from tradgirl to daddy e-thot. It's like she went to college between X and X-2.

Her first fake appearance in X2 during the FMV is still using the old model from X. It's when she changes clothes that she transforms into that.

1 - Bland.
2 - Generic dick-pandering slut.

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How's the grind? Is it worth bothering with leveling creatures or can I just focus entirely on the girls?

They even use her old model in the cutscene where she's singing. Wtf is wrong with square

Is X-2 the worst fucking sequel ever?



Autistic girls make my dick hyper hard

it's unironically better than X

Looks like a Japanese to me

This. X is her formal evening wear while X-2 is her casual every day wear.

The grind is negligible. The game is quite easy, even if you have a poor party composition.


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The Price of Eternity novel is the worst sequel, if you hate x-2 do not look into the dumb things the story does to FFX universe.