Master List of All Changes Needed in RE4 Remake

>you can move while aiming
>dodge ability
>enemies no longer sprint at you then slowly shuffle the last 6 feet, they're always fast and even flank you
>multiple shots to the head/legs/arms needed to trigger melee vulnerability
>dynamically chased by Chief Mendes in the village, Verdugo in the castle, and Krauser/U-3 on the island
>village layout is improved to be less linear and have more puzzles
>island is overhauled to be more creepy and less generic

Add stuff

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Set it in Russia instead and make all the "zombies" Slavs drunk on vodka.

you forgot the most important change

>Don't remake RE4 and remake Dino Crisis instead

>dynamically chased by Chief Mendes in the village, Verdugo in the castle, and Krauser/U-3 on the island
>village layout is improved to be less linear and have more puzzles
>island is overhauled to be more creepy and less generic
Going by REmake 3 this is probably not gonna happen.

>Island replaced with NEST 3
Even more generic than the island if this happens

they will cut the castle to unrealistic

why no CV?

Because remaking bad games like that to be good is too big brain for Capcom

Why are you making this list when everyone already knows it's going to be exactly the same as 2 and 3

more boulder chase qte sections

Just finish RE3.5.

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Ashley is more attractive and Ada todo.

>remove all enemies that use guns

that shit was dumb as fuck

I'm probably gonna get shit on for this, but why did people like Mr. X's stalker archetype? Sure, he's pretty intimidating at first, but eventually he just started feeling annoying to me. Not that he's particularly difficult to deal with but he just becomes tedious to avoid.

make castle not boring

krauser, black machinegun guy, stationary machine guns... what else was there?

Fix the controls to work better for modern consoles.
That is the only thing RE4 needs.

Can't wait to see what they do wrong

>you can move while aiming
>dodge ability
christ no
>enemies no longer sprint at you then slowly shuffle the last 6 feet, they're always fast and even flank you
>multiple shots to the head/legs/arms needed to trigger melee vulnerability
no. They're not zombies
>dynamically chased by Chief Mendes in the village, Verdugo in the castle, and Krauser/U-3 on the island
fuck off nemicuck
>village layout is improved to be less linear and have more puzzles
>island is overhauled to be more creepy and less generic
no. The pacing of the game sets up a more climactic ending

He either can't handle the minigun Chad or is confusing it with re5

smarter AI with old controls would be fucking batshit. Either both or none.

This! except it needs to have moving while aiming c'mon man you gotta update gameplay a little

Can you stop spamming this shit. It literally makes no sense to remake RE4 for adhd addled brain fanservice loser. The gameplay is fine and so are its graphics, the game isn't outdated unless youre some graphics baby. Capcom is already most likely working on RE8 or some other side project anyway

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I want a "realism" option where shooting somebody in the head will kill them or shooting in the leg makes sure they don't get back up, but the same thing can happen to you if you get an axe to the throat.

Also more village.

the whole point of no moving with aiming is a fight or flight mechanic

>you can move while aiming
>dodge ability
>multiple shots to the head/legs/arms needed to trigger melee vulnerability
The joke of RE4 is that movement and attacking can't be done at the same time so choosing what to do during pressure becomes important.
If the remake is real and not just some leak then it is most likely they will change this but it still needs to have some identity that makes it unique, with those changes it just sounds like REmake 3 but with a melee move. If that's the case then it already feels like a more derivative and less interesting title than the original.

If the rumor is actually true that it's by the RE3make team and they're only making it in 2 years, I'm not expecting much.
For me I'd want them to remove all the QTEs and have more interconnected map design. It wouldn't take that many tweaks to make the village and castle like classic RE. The island is unsalvageable though.

Honestly I was pretty meh on this remake (I'd prefer a CVX remake really) but these changes would be nice.

I'd add:

>real time weapon changing (but maybe you can only reload in real time too, to keep the tension)
>Luis Sera campaign
>Luis Sera in Mercenaries
>Mercs maps expanded upon, made larger with coop, more enemies and bosses like El Gigante in the Village map if playing on coop, etc.

The stalker mechanic is getting old now it's been in every RE game since 7

RE4 remake is going to play the exact same as the RE2 remake
you are retarded if you think they're going to make the game from scratch

>>dynamically chased by Chief Mendes in the village, Verdugo in the castle, and Krauser/U-3 on the island
That chasing gets old and annoying pretty quickly thoguh

>you can move while aiming
>dodge ability

That would remove any semblance of a challenge from the game

>>real time weapon changing (but maybe you can only reload in real time too, to keep the tension)
>>Luis Sera campaign
>>Luis Sera in Mercenaries
>>Mercs maps expanded upon, made larger with coop, more enemies and bosses like El Gigante in the Village map if playing on coop, etc.
Unf, too good to be true sadly.
An overhaul of RE4 with shinier graphics, some quality of life additions to the gameplay like weapon switching and more extras would be the best approach. realize the villagers are infected with a Las plagas right? Have you ever played re before?

if they make RE4 i hope the ganados will be as fast and dangerous like in RE5 beta trailer

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