Yas Forumsermin thread

post Yas Forumsermin

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Anything today?

Coin host exhibiton iirc


I think he's gonna do it next week since its a burst tournament

stop it with these vague ass OPs

Maybe we should use fanart as the OPs instead of the tutorial image
Likely to get more attention that way

maybe we need a new tutorial image

Use the dinoswordus one next

we use to use vermin sheets as the OP, dunno why we stopped OPs that use the same image and text over and over is why ai dungeon threads got /vg/ed and eventually died



Maybe you were really made for /vg/. Either that or just don't make threads when there's nothing going on. Which is most of the time for you guys.

>we use to use vermin sheets as the OP, dunno why we stopped OPs that use the same image and text over and over is why ai dungeon threads got /vg/ed and eventually died
>Either that or just don't make threads when there's nothing going on.
Whoever the current OP is who has taken initiative for making roughly every thread nowadays doesn't really care about these things. At most he might reply to a few things but over time he just kinda disappears along with the rest of the crowd.

It used to be standard that threads were made at 2 pm (eastern time) but that got fucked up come 2018 and stayed fucked up with the /vg/ move. I guess 3 pm would be a better time for threads to begin nowadays but there's no stopping the current OP unless if everyone else in the community and beyond didn't reply to early threads. Because that isn't the case, I'm afraid that's what we're stuck to work with.

Anyway, what are your thoughts on Fahrenhag? I think it's okay; the sheer unga stats are pretty wacky. I was on the Trader's Nightmare hypetrain but that's how the dice has rolled.

Could have a cooler design. It's second stage looks more dangerous.

It certainly is more bitey. I think the line gets some points for representing hagfish, though.

what point are you trying to make by quoting my entire post?

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I was replying to it. My point is that "we" don't anymore because seemingly only one person makes the threads nowadays before anyone else bothers to. Too bad that making threads earlier than he does isn't a good option, but whatever.

didn't we have this exact problem where some fag was making weekday and early threads with the op image always being skeeto's stage 1 form

Yeah. It's been two years, but I don't think we ever really recovered from the consequences of that. Really telling how a lot of those early threads also had some ridiculous amounts of shit-flinging not long after their creation.

>maggyposter is seetheanon
why didn't we see this coming

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please not this boogeyman shit again

I get a vaguely megaman boss vibe from this dude

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Bateriophage and Flatwoods monster is a pretty kino combo

Did Fawful make those evolutions?

Glad you got it so quicly.

Old, but still nice. It seems that he never got into an actual tournament.

No champ art for the hag :c

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Not yet.

post it

Nice drawing of my thot monkey.