What am I in for?

what am I in for?

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A true test of your organisational and planning ability.

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A fun game

Either hundreds of hours of fun gameplay or ten minutes of regret, depending on if you have ADHD

autism in its purest form

Either you play it for 40 hours, make a clumsy factory and launch a rocket
Or you play it for 4000 hours, develop autism and severe logistic addiction


Didn't do much for me, I'm one of the "ten minutes of regret" guys.
Mild regret, though. I'm sure the game is fun to peeps.

A fun puzzle game with insane depth

Videogame equivalent of crack.
Factorio takes a bit of getting used to, the learning curve is slightly steeper than you might be used to (unless you regularly play niche-games), but once you'll get into it, it becomes almost dagerously addictive. You'll most likely end up dreaming about the fucking game.
Factorio is probably the best example of "relatively easy to learn, really difficult to master" type of experience. It's all about optimization, gradual learning to do shit better, to improve on small things that keep adding up until you realize you have creates a massive and really impressive construction without even realizing it.

It's also insanely polished, and offers an absolutely RIDDICULOUS amounts of optional content and customization through mods. Like seriously - it has some of the best modding community I've ever seen, so if you enjoy the base game, you can literally sunk thousands of hours into it by exploring various mods.

I lost two straight week of my life to this game
Even when eating, sleeping, it was all I thought about it

I'm scared to start it again

If Factorio was released 10 years ago, it would be considered an all-time classic and be near the top of every journos "top 100 videogames" lists

Only reason it isn't recognized more is that it's a niche title and not for everyone

i love this game it's great

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Trains should run at half of their speed but with twice the cargo capacity
Currently they drive like spastic mice on crack and that's just silly

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It's alright

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>tfw you start with good intentions but end up spaghetti-ing anyway

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Enjoy building a huge base, then burning it all down and rebuilding when you research logistics robots

I'm not replaying this shit until they add a mode where you start with automation + logistics

>have a shit toaster
>can handle 10k bots with now hiccup at all
What is this sorcery?
Even though I managed to cripple the framerate to 30 with some megabase I downloaded, but that was before the blog talked about another performance increase.

It might just be the best optimized game I've ever played
As long as you don't use the high-res textures, they eat ram

There are one or two mods which gives you a few (vanilla) bots and a few chests, enough to copy and paste your starter blueprints etc.

its because the dev is just as autistic as the players
also shows how powerful todays pcs really are, and on the other hand my fucking word locks up if i paste more than 2 tables at once, rofl

@op: just start building! remember that you can always tear down everything and reorganize it at 0 cost, so dont bother with optimized layouts or perfect setups, just build, research, build some more

>start factory
>discover new tech
>start another
ad infinitum


And even that, they lowered the requirement for the highest settings from 3+GB vram to about 2GB in 2018 or so. Something only toaster user have a big gain from.

the devs are autistic. look through their development blogs and you will understand why its so optimized. Sometimes they will go into detail about trying to increase performance by such a small stupid amount.

>A game about autistic levels of optimization
>Made insanely optimized
What's to get?

The endgoal is probably a megabase at 60fps on an 12 year old thinkpad with intel hd graphics.

>what am I in for?
The best of Czech autism.

>Decided to put wire on the main bus instead of locally made.

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>Devs are so autistic they hire a bug finding autist
>Devs are so autistic that they play mods, optimise and release mod kits to help optimise mods
>Game flies mostly under the radar despite being one of the most optimised games of all time
>Meanwhile trash that Bethesda or Blizzard shit out gets millions of awards
Fuck this gay earth

Honestly playing blind and figuring out designs on your own is that best reward.
>tfw you visit someone's mega-autism base and that shit blows your mind

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bethesda have shareholders

So how do you guys plan it out just started and i'm trying to automate belts and spliters do you just move on from there automating everything you need? Guess next its having the robots bring me the stuff I need to build more stuff?

factorio is one of the games i recommend not looking at other people play. i lost a lot of passion for improving once i saw people on youtube play, cause i know i'll never be that smart or efficient or have bases that large of perfectly laid out, so i kind of stopped bothering. just enjoy the game yourself. in that sense the game doesn't lend itself to community that much, i find sharing creations just winds up making me less likely to play the game more myself

>trains shouldnt be fast

You dont have a shit toaster

>Meanwhile trash that Bethesda or Blizzard shit out gets millions of awards
It's not only a niche appealing game, but it's also a east-european game, and there is a major stigma against those. That said, Factorio has been selling AMAZINGLY well and the devs are literally set for the rest of their lives now, so I would definitely not feel bad about the situation.
Gaming journalism and critical audiences are fucking retarded and broken beyond any help, it's just a fact of this world. It's the worst medium in the world in terms of standards, critical audiences and general feedback or standards.

Most people build a "Mall", you don't need ten thousands of splitters and so on, so for early game it's okay to have one or two assembler per product.