What are some underrated games/hidden gems you think deserve more recognition? As in, actually underrated. Maybe say a few things about why it's good and deserves to be played more.\

For me, it's 3D DOT GAME HEROES. A fun little game for PS3 that went overlooked even at the time of its release, it's extremely inspired by classic Zelda and you can customize a fair bit of things, making characters and weapons with a block-by-block editor. It's sad that it never got a sequel, or even a port or re-release.

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What it should have gotten is a fucking patch. Game crashed so goddamn much I never bothered to finish it.

Angels Fall First on PC is a phenomenal game. It’s essentially a modern rendition of the classic Battlefront games, expanded in scale. Its a ton of fun.

On a regular PS3? That’s weird because I never had that on the console but any time I’ve tried emulating it on PC it crashes pretty frequently despite being 100% playable otherwise.

We had a lot of Yas Forums threads bragging about how huge our swords were and showing off designs.

I wouldn't say it's underrated. It's really just a Zelda clone with a neat artstyle, but other than that there isn't much going for it. It got the appropriate amount of attention it deserved.

user. Look at that game. Look at how it looks.

i miss when Yas Forums actually discussed games on average

The other Neverhood games are great too.

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ok redpill me on this game
i saw it get recommended like 7 separate times in a ps3 thread a while back


On console it crashed every hour or so

I never had any issues with it. Are you playing on the emulator, user?

It must be shit if you can't tell him why it's good

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You sound very bitter user. Not to mention your immediate assumption that it must be bad is ironic.

I dunno what the fuck the devs did with this game but boy howdy PCSX2 does not like it.

Water temple music was choice.
I wish the game didn't give me headaches.

Play Metal Saga

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just watch the trailer
if you dont get it then you never will

Fucking R.I.P. devs.
This had a sequel in the works too. But R.I.P. devs.

Me too, user. It was a glorious time when people knew how to ignore bait, console war shit was contained to it's own threads, and niche as fuck titles had regular threads with tons of anons having fun.

Pic related. It was an Animal Crossing clone on the surface, but actually had way more depth than it's DS contemporary. Yas Forums had regular threads while we all tried to learn new spells, figure out wtf mystery time was, visiting eachother's villages, forming bands and learning songs. It basically had everything AC had, and more, but for some reason went completely under the radar.

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>owned by kadokawa
No thanks

What happened?

>tell me why it’s good
>fagtot buzzword
That’s not an answer you fucking spergtard kino doesn’t mean fuckinh crap

>still no word on the remake

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Does it have bot match????

Whatever you tell yourself, user. You didn't even argue why its supposedly bad. The burden of proof is on you.

Don't mind me, just dropping truth bombs

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I’m not the one who asked if it was good you aspie just
Isn’t a fucking answer kys memespoutting autist GO DIE

During the combined earthquake & tsunami disaster of 2011 that culminated in the nuclear meltdowns in Fukishima, the building that housed their offices collapsed and killed the majority of the studio. And what little equipment/work wasn't destroyed by the building itself was destroyed by the water and the tsunami.

All their in-development work were completely destroyed. Nothing survived. And even if their work had survived, the fact that only a handful of the actual developers did means it was literally dead in the water regardless.

not that user, but you are incorrect
the burden of proof is on the person claiming the game is good. the conversation literally went
>this is good
>why is it good?
>it's kino
>that's just a rephrase, that's not a reason

the PS2 had the best library out of any gaming system. truly i was blessed to have been young enough to enjoy it while it was happening

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Shame this was never released on pc, it's easily the best unreal game.

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You sound like a fag

>I’m not the one who asked if it was good you aspie ju
Lel, you said it was bad and didn't even explain why it is. You just assumed it.
>the burden of proof is on the person claiming the game is good. the conversation literally went
That goes both ways, mate. If you state its either, you're inclined to give reasons as to why.

All you said was kino actually kill yourself you fucking aspie KILL YOURSELF fucking memeshitter


Lel, I'm not even the user who stated it was kino.
You both got some anger issues, anons. I suggest you sort it out.

>is that a game good
Really Faggott? Drink bleach you meme retard go suffocate and die

>it wasn’t me I swear
Sure faggot slit your neck


If I could, I'd show you that I taste like one too

Shoot yourself

PS1 is better but PS2 is a solid third

>burden of proof goes both ways
my guy
the other user has not played the game. he does not have any information to inform why he would think the game is bad. He was asking people who have played the game to say why it's good. Because the only answer he got was "kino," he sperged out, to which you sperged out, and here we are

you're asking someone with no knowledge of the game to "prove" why it's bad. You may be a simpleton

>excepting meme autists to be able to speak in anything but meme phrases
Okay retard