>People on Yas Forums still buy modern final fantasy games
Explain your fucking self. Why haven't you left?
>People on Yas Forums still buy modern final fantasy games
Explain your fucking self. Why haven't you left?
>15^2 games
>not a single good one
Why do people even care about FF in the first place?
That's the power of brands.
People will buy a hollow shell because they'll fill it with misguided nostalgia themselves.
I like it
How the fuck does this anime not have doujins?
I never bought a FF game, they're normalfag garbage
Japs to busy making fate doujins
Japs too busy having consistently bad taste.
damn i tought the boob was the guy's cheeks
post sauce already
Because its isekai trash.
That's because they are Perfect videogames, if you aren't a gamer you wouldn't understand
>people still watch isekai
FF fans love to be abused. They've complained about every FF game since VIII, yet keep buying every new release, remake and spin off. Just like Elder Scrolls fans. I haven't bought a FF game since XII, it was so bad.
re zero season 2 soon senpai
that figure is sad
get your porn addiction in check, coomer
That’s the anime’s fault, go see her actual figure that Pochi draws
>People on Yas Forums still buy modern video games
Explain your fucking self. Why haven't you left?
Only watched the first episode. What's the deal? Is there anything between the two?
wait wtf he fucks his mom?
Well yeah they’re parent and child
you know what i mean
I fucking hate anime/manga that fucking ship tease for 700 trillion episodes and then nothing fucking happens. Shit makes me so fucking mad. This is why I moved on to visual novels. At least you get to see the characters fuck instead of just get shy around each other.
I'm fully aware of what that artist is capable of. Sad to see the design fucked so bad.
I have better things to jerk off to, and they had a fine design to work off of. That just looks like they fucked up a keyframe.
Oh damn so thats what its called, thank you user
wtf is up with Porter? Where's her mom?
comiket cancelled due to corona aids
Wait he finally accepts it and goes for it? I need to watch this
We get it, you want to fuck your own mother. You can stop making these threads now.
Her mom is one of the devs, she’s also a semen demon
What the fuck, this can't be real. No, I haven't watched the anime so I don't know.
No, I want Mamako to be my mom and then I want to fuck my mom
I don't remember this. What is this from?
So if they fuck in the game do they fuck for real?
>not his real mom
into the trash it goes
Konosuba is pretty cool