

Attached: resident-evil-3-remake-jill-valentine-face-ps4.jpg (640x929, 73.55K)

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this game is shit, nobody is waiting for a crack

Game is good fuck off

Fuck on, it was dead dog dicks.

>i love cut content 4 hour games for 60 dollars pls give me more crapcom


Unironically not even worth a pirate

It's fine but it's not worth the price. Glad I got it from CDkeys.

For someone who didn't play original game is good. It's like compare 300 spartans 1962 and 300, remake.

Not even worth pirating.

Nice try faggot. Piratefags will never learn.

I wouldn't pay more than 30 bux for it to be honest

Untrue and faggotry

The absolute state of poorfags

COPE piratefaggot

What exactly has a piratefag invested that they have to 'cope' with something?


>Capcom scammed him out of $60 for an unfinished game

have fun.
the download will take longer than finishing the game

Joke is on you, fag. I didn't buy the game

Reddit says no. Also a fake crack full of viruses was released 3 days before the game came out.

Attached: denuvo games.png (410x638, 35.64K)

>paying $60 when it's been on sale on GMG for $46 since before it even came out

$46 is still too much for basically what should've been a $30 DLC

>he didn't set his steam currency to south american shithole
never gonna make it

>risking an account ban to save a few shekels on games you can pirate anyway
based retard

If you love that cut content so much, then play the original, smoothbrain. It's a remake.

That's how you spot the fake.
Codex hasn't done a blessed thing since they mistakenly leaked their denuvo crack method. They're demoralized and broken. You're more likely to find some random nobody cracking the game if at all.

You're right, but if you praise DEmake 2 you're an absolute moron

What happened?

They leaked they cracking method almost 5 months ago and haven't cracked anything Denuvo. Since then no one besides a few nobodies have cracked anything Denuvo. One of whom was literally begging for money to keep going.

been using it for 4 years, no ban. not even the same country just kept changing native-turkey-russia-argentina lol.

dark times

Pretty much. Don't expect any denuvo cracks for a while. If we're lucky we'll get some random cracks here and there but until a real scene group starts cracking denuvo again we won't be getting much if anything at all.