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Mussolini exists in FFVII's world
Parker White
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Alexander Collins
>immediately shot by Shinra infantry
Parker Campbell
Is he referring to Shinra? They were never fascist in the original. All they did was provide cheap living to people while using the planet’s life source to power their version of EPCOTT. They basically save the world in the end too
Elijah Reed
Musso who ?
Joseph Hill
The translators made everyone ruder than they are in japanese. Cultural differences and all that but most of the insults/swear feels like they come out of nowhere
Christian Fisher
Meh. The parades, the iconography, the ego, the corporatism, authoritarianism, and ruling with fear...
Close enough to fit the nebulous definition.
James Williams
Please tell me you're joking.
Tyler Carter
That may be the case but referring to Shinra as fascist undermines one of the biggest themes in the original, how capitalism can both kill and save our planet and that class struggles are used as a means to a good end. I’m not acting like it’s high art, and I haven’t played the game and this may just be a throwaway line and that theme from the original is in the remake, but even for a mistranslation that’s pretty egregious
Ethan Richardson
It's actually totally in-character for a retarded "activist" to call everyone a fascist, regardless of whether or not it is true. For them "fascist" is a word meaning "People I don't like."
Jose Cruz
But how do people in FF7 world know what Facism is?
Colton Ward
Chase Perry
It occurs to me some ideologically motivated "game journalist" probably will call FF7 a fascist game now because Rufus has a change of heart and realizes environmentalism is self-interest after being shot in the face by a WEAPON of the planet.
Bentley Mitchell
Get a load of this little sissy-ass princess faggot who thinks everyone's too fucking rude.
Zachary Ward
these are opposites dude. Do you think mussolini would have tolerated corporations having more power than him?
Fuck, man.
these days people can't differentiate between real life and fantasy.
I saw people calling that one shinra middle manager who was defending shinra in the train a "bootlicker" too, which makes no sense considering what he says.
It's like people go "they're bad guys? That must mean they are just like [opposing political party that I don't like]!
Connor Rogers
>But how do people in FF7 world know what Facism is?
The same way that they know every other English word or concept.
David Lee
Well, you can find examples of fascists describing themselves as corporatists (including Musso IIRC) but it's obvious they were referring to their buddies' corporations.
Ian Morris
Are you retarded?
Blake Gray
Mussolini is commonly misquoted as saying Fascism and Corporatism are one and the same.
Ayden Walker
That’s the thing, Shinra are the negatives of capitalism and corporatism takes to extremes but they definitely aren’t fascist. Barrett even says people can leave Midgar if they want, but most don’t bother.
Cooper Jenkins
The person reading the dialogue, is you, the player who knows what a Fascist is, so the intent of the message is there.
Nolan Green
The origin of the word Fascism has to do with an Italian ("fascio") war ornament.
Julian Morgan
You can thank liberalism and atheism for that. Those faggots can't even agree on observable reality let alone behold to the certainty of order.
Jace Nguyen
Blame Americans, they don't understand class anymore.
Jayden Williams
Yeah Aerith saying "shit" is terribly OOC.
Brayden Perez
>observable reality
Please post an example of your sky papa so we can all bare witness.
Thomas Walker
Does Shinra even charge them for the Mako energy they provide?
Nolan Gonzalez
>They were never fascist in the original.
They did massacre Old Corel. And declare war on Wutai just for not letting them put a reactor there.
Jordan Torres
Did Ayn Rand advocate for conquering Wutai, slaughtering towns that won't let you build a reactor, creating monster armies, giving a guy like Hojo infinite resources with no oversight and military force, secret police and public executions as a means of control?
Serious question; I never read her.
Joseph Roberts
>t. athiest faggot
oh idk, the sun? you are a retarded mixed race goblin, never ever forget this.
Carson Thomas
fascist doesn't mean "does bad things"
fascist is a specific type of government. Learn what words mean before using them.
Jaxon Barnes
You don't know what corporatism is.
Austin Nelson
>public executions
Of terrorists. Who Shinra also blamed for possibly ending the world (which was Cloud’s fault).
Joseph Gonzalez
They're a power company. How would they be financially viable if they didn't? All that weapon tech, private military forces, fucked up shit Hojo works on and a god damn failed space program can't be cheap.
Camden Jackson
Also, stop posting on your cheap android phone. Your autocorrect kicked in, since you are either ESL or you can't articulate with your natural language.
Christopher Ortiz
They seem more like a government -- like I assume they own the land everyone lives on. They could just pay tax.
Owen Sanchez
It's more of a political movement than a government type, but I suppose one does follow the other.