Collecting Games

>Antonio Romero Monteiro
>over 100 video game systems
>Guinness World Record for largest video game collection in the world at over 20,000 individual games
Well, do you collect games, Yas Forums?

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Yes, but only ones I'm actually going to play.

do you focus on a particular title or console?

would be a shame if his collection burned down

Game collection is fine, "Game collectors" are scum, doubly so if they do it so they "own something no one else can get".

Didn't this happen to someone recently who had over a thousand games?

i collect only the games i played and liked during my childhood and teenage years. if there's something well liked overall that's similiar to any of those, i buy that too. that's it.

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what the fuck are you even on about?
how the fuck are they scum?
if they own somethinf "no one else can get" than it's probably a niche product that no one will want to play, a novelty, and probably if it's so rare it's probably better off preserved in a collector's hands than your grubby shitty fingers who'll probably pawn it cuz you play games, not collect them
literally he says the rarest DS game he owns is some Barbie funhouse shit. are you honestly so autistic about someone else having something you don't that you're goong to demand that people stop collecting fucking terrible BARBIE games?
you're a fucking abortion and an absolute retard
i hate you and i hope you never breed and spread your short bus genes

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Antonio Romero Monteiro el Chicano con mucho video juegos de Mario

that's a pretty good and restrained philosophy

Yes, but I'm scaling down and will probably end up selling most of my collection.

You're a retard and missed his whole point.

I only ever buy games that I'd actually want to own and play again at some point. Why the fuck would I buy games that I'm never going to give a shit about? I never understood the point of buying games just to own them, especially shovelware garbage. They are decorations at that point, and terrible ones at that.
I've recently started buying old consoles & the games I loved on them though though now that I make good money, and it's quite nice playing them again on original hardware.

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I have access to as many games as him, and they don't take up any space, or cost money. He's a retard.

what's the point of this? There's not enough time in a single human life to play and enjoy all these games

Forgot to add, I also like owning games that were important to a console/obscure hidden gems, but only if I actually give a shit about them as well.

someone post the pic of that single dude outbidding a group of game preservationists on a super rare game lmao


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Collectors are renowned for buying extremely rare games and burying them for no better reason than to be the only person who owns them. See: the Turok 2 source code. See: dozens of obscure NES prototypes that will never see the light of day.

>if they own somethinf "no one else can get" than it's probably a niche product that no one will want to play, a novelty, and probably if it's so rare it's probably better off preserved in a collector's hands than your grubby shitty fingers who'll probably pawn it cuz you play games, not collect them
No, it's better off in the hands of someone who will dump the game to preserve it. You're such a window licker that you don't realize that no one would hate collectors if they dumped their games.

I think I just got on the nerves of some retard with a thousand games in his basement that are probably rotting, lmao.

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Must feel good in a way

He’s talking about faggots who scalp rare gaming related items, i.e. physical copies of alpha or beta builds of games, unreleased games, whatever, and keep them in their collection instead of archiving them. They’re surprisingly common

>little brother loses my childhood nes collection about 8 years ago
>lose my childhood genesis, ps1 and ps2 collection about 6 years ago during a move
>have bitter falling out with ex-gf about 4 years ago who steals about half I'd guess nearly $1000 worth of the snes games I've collected over the years
I'm through with collecting. My flashcarts were a fraction of the price and allow me access to so much more.

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lol you're a retard
Here's just one story of dozens. An atari game that would have never been preserved if it were for shit-eating monkeys like you who grab priceless rare shit and then sit on it, never to actually use it or anything. Literally someone had to take it from the dicksuck shitheads who had the last cabinets because they sat on it forever, and it wasn't even a rare or obscure game. It was a limited run game that just rotted over time until only a few cabinets remained.

You are the equivalent of a chimp. I don't think anyone has to worry about you breeding anything that's capable of breathing, lmao

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that's speculation. that's shitty but it's not collecting

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why wouldn't they just release the ROM?

Yes, I don't know why but I've always liked to collect something and thought that videogames was one of the more useful things.

I only collect the games I like or played, other collectors are soulless.

The bright side to these stories is that these collectors will someday die, and their family (lol if they have one) will care less that they have priceless NES game from decades ago and resell it for pennies. All that matters is that someone is paying attention when that happens.

literally who cares
no one has a museum for these things and you can't preserve and restore everything
may as well have someone appreciate it in their pasement until it perishes

because it's more rare if no one else has it

Because they’re faggots? Because they use games as decorations and not as entertainment? They’ve got no fucking soul, just material possessions.

Because they want it to be "theirs"

>no one has a museum for these things
There are literally hundreds of museums dedicated to video games and old technology. All of which would kill to get a one of a kind video game and preserve it digitally.

You are a retard.

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Nice Disc rot collection bro

>not even curated
>just buying every game possible

absolute shit tier game archive. the money would have been much better spent building up a curated collection of quality or notable titles from all regions

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this man got liberated, he just didn't know it yet

>no one has a museum for these things
>you can't preserve and restore everything
>may as well have someone appreciate it in their pasement until it perishes
if it exists it can be preserved. what a shit mentality you have m8. very egocentric, it's sad.

Why aren't there people like this in other forms of media as well?
I'd love to hear about some preservationist trying to outbid a collector for the unpublished manuscript of a terrible 1200-page romance novel written by a middle-aged ukrainian tractor salesman of which we only know because he told someone while drunk in a russian bar.

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He's probably having a dick measuring contest with some other fag
I bet he thinks he's the ultimate gamer or some stupid shit just because he bought tons of shovelware trash

Disc Rot is a meme that only occurs to some runs of CD/DVDs from cheap chinese companies back in the day. Most people on this board probably have CDs and DVDs that are close to 20 years old at this point. Most floppy discs and read-only media are still chugging along 40-50 years later.

>no one has a museum for these things
There absolutely are museums for these things

>you can't preserve and restore everything
You can if you rip the rom and store it on digital media. The whole complaint is that collectors sit on the physical media despite the fact that in a couple decades the game won’t be playable anymore instead of actually putting in effort to preserve it

>Why aren't there people like this in other forms of media as well?
You should see some of the shit movie collectors did to make sure they were the only ones with a limited run film reel of Star Trek. Literal murders happened.

I guess I sort of get it, but it's still retarded because they would still be the only ones that own the actual physical media. It'd be like photo-copying an autograph or something like that and then uploading to the web. If someone goes and prints off a copy, it's not going to have any value or depreciate the value of your actual authentic piece


Discs rot is real nigga

For films at least there’s institutions who try to track down lost footage. In music the record label usually hang on to spare recordings. Look at how many bootlegs there are of The Beatles’ music, their record company held on to all their outtakes and are now even officially releasing them

nah. people know, even the normies know about video games aka they know there are autists willing to pay thousands for a 1992 video game

this shit is funny and I'm glad it happened

The physical media is actually secondary. Everyone owns a cartridge or a floppy disc, what was ever important about them was what was on it.
Predatory item collectors don't actually care about the monetary cost and instead care about the sentimental cost of being the last person who ever had it.

okay, bit rot then~

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Exactly. It makes no fucking sense. How they managed to acquire so much money despite being total retard knobjockeys is another mystery

I never said it wasn't real; I said it was overplayed and only happened in a few runs from a few manufacturers based in China. The chance of your entire collection rotting is slim, and a cartridge isn't ever going to get CD rot.

Bit rot would imply that it would become impossible to read that format in the future, and there are a lot of consoles out there.

dude, it will happen eventually, no way around it

fuck the faggot in the op; post top tier game collections

Enjoy your bit rot then

don't you guys think this is sad in a way?
getting attached to pieces of plastic, there's no way this guy plays anything.
I guess it's a good investment in a way, the dude can sell all this shit and return money with a huge profit but I don't think he's into that, he'll die and his kids will sell all this shit

>All those rare games
>All those anons that could have owned their favorite game from their youth abolished because some fat retard needed to own all of them.

Viddya collecting is a sin, pure unfiltered gluttony.

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>he never got to see Warcraft 3 Reforged or Fallout 76

How bizarre. What are some sought after ROMs that people have or claim to have that they refuse to share?
They may even be worse than those resellers that scoop up everything to drive up prices