Achievement: complete the tutorial

>Achievement: complete the tutorial
>90% of players have this

>Achievement: complete the first area
>58% of players have this

Fuck off

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musta been a shit game

>about 20% made it all the way to the last area

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If we had achievements in the 90's we'd see similar numbers

i love subnautica and you reminded me it existed
imma start a new world

Monster Hunter World was not a shit game
Fuck you

I want to fuck this bunny's cunny

Seriously, why is she so attractive?

Didn't know it has achievements now

Are you playing her game?

Attached: nGRVTEOVDM0LF.jpg (200x200, 41.22K)

Playing divinity 2 and stream aceivements claimed like only 60% had reached the last area. Or something, but 90% had reached the last boss???
To be fair I think that’s Because they have bunch of QoL dlcs, like “a special trader in each town” and if you activate any of them aceviments get disabled

>Complete any 5 Deep Dives
>2.5% of players have this

Beacuse disney is filled with furfags that know how to make a well designed living onahole.

Attached: wanna do it.png (400x400, 271.39K)

Isn't she like 2 foot 3?? It would be like fucking a child. Disgusting.

Kinda wanna replay Divinity 2 now. Fucking love that game.

That's a pretty standard dropoff, people usually form their opinions of a game within the first 10 minutes.

To those of you who love Div 2, should I buy and beat Div 1 first? Pic unrelated but will capture your attention.

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>Short people should never be able to find a happy relationship beacuse I base the entire concept of maturity on one arbitrary feature


>complete the game on the highest difficulty
>the game isn't even hard

Jesus dude that's actually a really sad thing to hear. Imagine never finding love just because you're short.

Attached: Sorceror's Arena.jpg (1280x720, 121.05K)

It depends on you, both games don't have that much in common.
You can understand 2's plot without any issues even if you never played the first game.
As for the gameplay both games have some better and worse things than the other, I recommend playing both but the order depends on you.

Also this is a bunny thread, post bunnies instead of h*mans.

I don't need to imagine

you should check the % of fags who get the trophy for dying to the first zombie in RE and the sharp decline as the game progresses. only like 20% finished the game and even less went beyond that.

>posting pedobait
some user from another thread mentioned she's 14

Imagine being a manlet

>portal 2: finish the attunement thing with somebody who NEVER did multiplayer before AFTER you completed it
thank god I knew somebody who liked portal 2 but never actually touched multi, otherwise I'd still be missing it
who thought this is a good idea

In FF7R The 2.5% of the players have not kill the first 2 soldiers after the intro

I see. I guess I'll get the first on sale then.
So? She's a cartoon/not real and she's not naked. Get your head out of the gutter.

>completely non-sexualized image
user, you might have a problem.

Who is this girl anyway?

That's some achievement manager required bullshit.

>2% of players have this.

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I don't know I just saw porn of her in another thread and mods deleted it because some user mentioned she's like 14 years old man.
That's weird,

Peni Parker, that image in particular is from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

People realized the game sucked and stop playing/refunded. Refunds don't take achievements away.

>17.8% of people finished the game

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Thanks. Will now search the boorus for what I need.

>1% of players have this.

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Go ahead, there is a good amount of content out there of her.

>0.3% of players gave this

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Division 2 is leagues better than Div 1, so don't even bother with it.
Warlords of NY ties in with a character from DIV 1 but they exposition dump like crazy so you don't need to have played it at all to understand the guy's motivation.
It is Ubisoft after all
Though I still love the fuck out of the game
I've only got 36 hours on PC, but I probably have the same on PS4 and Xbox One as well

Nice projection faggot

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Not really. Gelbooru only has a little over 200 and I can only jerk off to a few of them.

>CR-alike cash grab mobile game

Maybe there is more on sad panda, that or i have lost my marbles, could be either honestly.