Literally the highest skill ceiling in any racing game

Literally the highest skill ceiling in any racing game

Could have been a viable Esport if they played their cards right

Attached: crash-team-racing-nitro-fueled-announcement.jpg (640x360, 172.46K)

I dunno, man. Just started playing this yesterday, and the only skill I can see so far is having to time your boosts so you get a bunch of them in a row. Great game, tho

There's no skill with such a shitty item balance that can fuck you up irreparably at the start of a race and a racing game with items disabled would be inherently boring to watch. You can't make it into an esport.

Play time trials like a normal person

>implying real-time time trials wouldn't be the hottest shit
get a load of this fag

You have no idea what you are in for. The high level play is unreal

I have the Master wheels. OP's first sentence is correct, but the skill ceiling is largely destroyed the moment items come into the picture, which is why you couldn't make an esport out of it.

>If they played their cards right
All they had to do was make a no items mode

And I wonder if that would be boring to watch. Unless two or more players are at a very similar skill level, a racing game would very quickly turn one-sided with little to no interactions between players.

I used to play the original as a kid. How does this compare?

>viable e-sport
>get hit once and you're guaranteed to DNF just put down the controller
>literally nothing can stop full reserves first place except a tracking item that takes 3/4 of the lap time to reach them, if anyone ever rolls it
>Intermissions longer than the actual races because of loading times
Fuck that

The rare example of the remake being a definitive upgrade in every single way

you've barely scratched the surface

Esports are lame, though. It's much more fun as a game you just play without that "pro-level" bullshit.

>>get hit once and you're guaranteed to DNF just put down the controller
This is only true in the time trials since each trials is a players best time. In an Esport setting with 2 players going head to head it wouldn't be a problem because both players have the potential to clip a wall

Cool. I'll probably never play it because console exclusivity, but I'm happy to see the superior kart racing series get recognition.

> both players have the potential to clip a wall
Professional players aren't supposed to be as shit as you

Nice job missing the point entirely

For me, it's DSP vs Pinstripe

It will almost certainly get a PC port like the previous Crash and Spyro remakes.

>in any racing game

Attached: 1585966419728.png (446x435, 73.86K)

>Windows tag added to support site.
SOON 60 FPS fags.

Fucking finally

Oh, neat.

I think it was always there instead of Switch for some reason. It hope it comes to PC though.



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Orbs just needed to be faster. That's literally all the game needed to be perfect.

I haven't played it since August though. I hate paying for online.

They slowed them down because they were bullshit


Is this new?

not sure, a month ago it listed Windows but I'm not sure if is new

They're not bullshit, they're part of the game. It's no fun to anyone else if one autist is lapping everyone else and he literally cannot be stopped, especially on the excessively long CNK tracks.

>kart racer
>highest skill ceiling in any racing game

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This. There needs to be some sort of player-player interaction for it to be viable as an esport. But items completely fuck up the crucial boost mechanics.

And Call of Duty on that site isn't coming on Switch either. It means nothing.