>Jessie throwing the pussy at him
>”You’re annoying.”
Is this nigga fucking GAY?!
>Jessie throwing the pussy at him
>”You’re annoying.”
Is this nigga fucking GAY?!
Shut up, simp.
Tifa is love, Tifa is life.
Who fucking talks like this?
I've seen several fucking people say this shit is great.
Square Enix faggots need to be gassed.
He just wants his fakken money.
Jessie has ugly feet
If Sasuke and Goku are anything to go by, I assume turning down promiscuous women is like totally the coolest thing in Japanese culture. A heavy contrast with Western culture where smashing as many sluts as possible is the epitome of cool.
Just look at the way they portray Brock in Pokémon.
fucking her would just ruin his relationship with Tifa
Pics. Right now.
Yes. Cloud is gay, how did you know? The crossdressing give it away? Too bad he doesn't get crushed by the plate instead.
Almost the entire game's dialogue feels retarded to me. This might be petty criticism, but when characters that have realistical pretensions in their models act like complete aliens, it fucking destroys my immersion. If a character that is a fucking stick drawing, or an anime cell-shaded character, act retarded, I can tolerate. But the more realistic you try to portray your characters, the more I get this sheer repulsion by bad dialogue and mannerisms.
I hate the new Jessie too. They made her into an annoying skank for some reason. In fact they made Cloud super pretty this time around and everyone loves him now and never shuts up about hit. They turned cloud into Poochie.
Exactly. What's worse is that every fucking line of dialogue is just exposition or talking about themselves.
The original game is a fucking menu simulator and it has less exposition.
Could has his heart set on Aerith.
he's in love with tifa stupid
He doesn't like mediocre pussy.
>be at the military
>see how SOLDIERs are just a bunch of homosexuals that fuck each other constantly
>gets his mind raptured by Jenova
>larps as a SOLDIER
Based. He also rejects that boring half naked prostitute. Cloud has high standard.
>he doesnt know Squall yet
the duality of man
Yes, for Sephiroth. They even kiss at the end of the game.
Can you blame a guy that looks like that for not wanting used goods?
He has standards.
These Anons are the most sensible posters in this thread.
Truly the Shakespeare of our time.
the point of the game is to defend Cloud's virginity dumbass
Is that why Sephiroth keeps touching him inappropriately?
>if a character is realistic this means retardation is off the table because retarded people don't exist
lmao get a load of this absolute unit of a brainlet
>guy refuses to have sex with a girl
>girl refuses to have sex with a guy
So you just fuck any woman that throws themselves at you? Having such low standards must be suffering.
The way Tifa and Jessie moves is the worst to me. They're constantly doing stupid cute poses and bending forward and shit for maximum waifu factor. It's annoying. People just don't move like that.
>girl refuses to have sex with a guy
Try not being an ugly fag next time.
Is the shitty dialogue a kind of schlocky joke? It seems bad enough to be intentional and maybe I'm not getting the humor.
you don't have to be such a bitch about it
just give her your chewtoy and let her fuck off
I mean the game is fucking filled with homoerotic moments, so probably, Nomura just can't help himself, he's the archtypical closet case, he project his faggotry onto everything he works on.
If I had to guess at which Japanese devs were gay, Nomura would definitely be at the top of the list. Yoko Taro is probably bisexual.