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>Faggot is censored, the developer is gay and doesn't like people using the word. :(
>'Game' claims to be a CRPG. Is actually a visual novel.
> No replayability what so ever.
>Game features Eceleb voice actors from ChapoTrapHouse.
>Left wing options give EXP and money. Right wing options damage the player.
>Dev's self insert will berate you for choosing "Fascist" dialogue options.

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it's good. your body talks to you in funny ways

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I am excited that it was fun and people keep talking about it. Hopefully this will make people interested in ripping off certain elements from this game.

this but unironically


Reddit the game

you don't want opinions, you're just some ESLjeet who saw threads about this game not doing 20 replies in, so now like all ESLjeets you make another shit thread filled with the same old shitposts about how the same old commietard shitters made a shit "video game"

its really good
compelling writing mixed with some dicerolls and a nice plot in a good setting
feels good man

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it's very entertaining and so are the threads
also you can play /fa/ tier dress up

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it was really good, hopefully it will inspire more CRPGs to drop the shitty combat and focus entirely on dialogue. The music and setting was fantastic, and while Yas Forums obviously hates the writing because god forbid you enjoy something you don't agree with, I thought it was great and way less black and white than everyone claims it is. I'm looking forward to the DLC/sequel/whatever we get next.

Great game. Fuck off and die, Yas Forums.

b..but i lose morale when i hate women and foreigners!

>it was really good, hopefully it will inspire more CRPGs to drop the shitty combat and focus entirely on dialogue.

Trannies are the worst plague video-games have ever seen, I reminisce the times we thought women were the problem ...

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dropped it when I found out kim was gay.

If Planescape: Torment and True Detective had a baby. Needless to say, it's pretty cool.

no idea what to think of her, haven't even met her yet because my coppo is too dumb to figure it out

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Fucking tell me that you enjoy the combat in Fallout. Or in Baldur's Gate. Or in Planescape. Honestly defend it without resorting to buzzwords. Fine if you don't care for DE, but I don't for a moment believe that anyone enjoys such barebones turnbased combat.

just keep playing

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I already finished the game once and didn't meet her, the second play-through seems to be going the same way.

>didn't get the homo underground thought
very problematic

Not that guy but I enjoy the combat in Fallout 2, not in the other two you mentioned though.

weird, it felt like an unmissable scripted interaction it's when you choose to rest in a bunk while exploring the hideout on the last island with the old man

I don't think I've used the bunk.

yeah, I actually didn't know it was possible to miss, it's got some of the most important dialogue in the game (I think).
"poor fuck. poverty stricken fuck." Hit pretty hard.

>I hope more games ditch gameplay in favour of being books.
The absolute state.

I love Dasha


They've been doing that for a few years now. It's funny because the traditional point n' click games have been dead for a while which saddens me. Remember The Adventure Company? Been dead for years.

>dialogue can't be gameplay
you're right, I'm sorry. Gameplay is limited to killing things. Can a game even truly be an RPG if I don't spend the first chunk of it mindlessly killing low level enemies? Trash every RPG ever, time to pack it up and play the new CoD.

Liked it. But no replay value, as stated. When you try again you realize how railroaded you were. All skills are not equal in value.

I've got a copy of the the epic hitler book, White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century by Jared Taylor, 2 copies of Evola's books, and I'm a big fan of uncle Ted

yet despite that, this is my favourite CPRG

Nobody that shits on this game for the "political shit" actually played the game, because those that did would know that the game is truly "impartial" (whatever that means anymore) and only acts accordingly in terms of consequences in a contextual matter
It makes fun of the simple racist, yet the game lets you get your shit pushed in by a TRUE racist, a racist islander with brute physical strength that literally mentions how his large cranium is a sign that he is superior

aside from that, it shits PLENTY on communism and treats it as a relic of the past. aside from that, if you decide to adopt commie thoughts, your consciousness will make fun of you for trying to start le epic commie revolution all over again because your Logic aspect knows it's retarded

wanna know how I know you haven't played the game?

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Enjoyed it a lot. One of the first games I've played in a while that I didn't really want to end.

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as a sign of superiority*
sorry, had my focus elsewhere while typing that