You realize this is all you're going to get right...

you realize this is all you're going to get right? the reason real fans are pissed is because they know the ending means there will be no ff7 remake. hope you're happy with just midgar.

>with stats that high, they will have to reset the characters. what are they going to do, take your summons away? make you re-earn them?
>they're giving out so much post-midgar content because they know they're never going to get to those parts otherwise. what are they going to do when you get to the parts where you were originally supposed to get those materia/items?
>the soundtrack is a dead giveaway. if square actually had a plan, there is no way they would drop so many tracks at once like that instead of piecing them out over the episode releases to milk as much as they could
>you're out of your mind if you think they will actually do a world map
>they're going to cut cait exactly like they cut red
>they're going to rewrite most of the story, that was the whole point of that ending

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the reason real fans are pissed
>muh real fans!
stopped reading.

but replied anyway :3c

>you realize this is all you're going to get right
Yeah, which is why I'm so pissed.
We were SO close to actually getting a proper new version of FF7 with new graphics and all. But no, we just can't have that.

There will be a second part, or maybe even three parts.

But the whole future Sepiroth/time jannies thing is 100% just a convenient excuse to heavily rework the story and cut out a bunch of shit.

Nomura's excuse to go full kingdom hearts with it, no more restrictions
Also so Aeris can live obviously

literally all they had to do was not call this a remake and everyone would be fine with it.

it is exactly to cut out a bunch of shit, and that's exactly what people didn't want

i played the OG on release day 97.
i think as a tribute, it's fine. as a remake, it's bad.

Well, yes and no.
Obviously calling it FF7.5: RE:Vengeance or something would have been better.

I'd still be sad I can't just have FF7 with new graphics though.
I mean fuck I can look past the new combat, it's not great but okay. I also don't mind a bit of side story additions here or there or more exploration, more dialogue and more fleshed out side characters. Go ahead.

But Nomura assraped the story.

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the only additions they put in that weren't total fuckin cringe were the little ones. like shinra having wutai schemes is fine.

all the new characters they added are terrible. johnny, roche, becks badasses or whatever they're called

call me crazy but I think they'll remake the whole thing and it will be 90 % faithful with the 10 % left being some nomura shit.
I haven't played the remake yet though.

>90% faithful
>already part 1 goes way off the rail and the ending blows everything wide open for Nomura to do whatever the fuck he wants now

It's over.

Game is shit they stole time wraiths from the flash TV series.

care to describe the ending ?

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Xenoblade Chronicles X on Wii u puts this to shame. Monolith would of done a superior job.

oh yeah dude
i'm totes sure zack will be dead again and square is just going to totally forget about all their changes by episode 2

How can it be both the first in the project and a stand alone game? Do they not know what stand alone means.

>>with stats that high, they will have to reset the characters. what are they going to do, take your summons away? make you re-earn them?
It's called they'll make earning the summons non canon.

I hope Nomura and Toriyama die

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so does that mean you'll start episode 2 with all of them?

Like FF13 was the first in the Fabula Nova Crystallis project and a standalone game. It means you don't need the second game to play this game. Yes FF13-2 exists but you can play FF13 just fine.

Ff7 will be sour from now on. This will faint the brand forever. Nomura must be besties with Rian johnson.

You really do need to play the 2nd game to get much of anything out of this clusterfuck. It's not a complete story.

It's weird but in a way this remake is so insulting it's like time ghosts went back to retroactively taint the original

Sephiroth from AC travels back in time and fights the crew after they defeat the time jannies so the future can now be freely altered and Sephiroth tells Cloud he has to change Aerith's death so he can survive the end of time and then Zack comes back alive

No it means the characters will act like they've never had a summon and won't have any.

>they're going to rewrite most of the story, that was the whole point of that ending
Well yeah, part 2 will be an entirely different game with it's own different story.

Yeah call it a spinoff like crisis core with a new name entirely, people would love it because cloud

its just so strange playing it having the expectation that its a remake

FFVII-2.5 is literally what everyone didn't want

Attached: ff7r why are we here - just to suffer 1586220179635.jpg (1200x675, 61.64K)

But a game is not just about the story. They mean the game itself is self-sustaining. For example they have an endgame.

7 seconds to change fate. that's all you got. it'll be nearly identical.

Just one month ago they said it would be faithful to the original story
They also never showed any of these stupid time jannies or other shit in any trailer
>"In terms of how faithful the remake is to the original Final Fantasy VII, from the perspective of the storyline, it is very faithful indeed," Toriyama said.

i'd say if square doesn't put in some sort of save transfer over eps people are going to be pissed but hahaha they're pissed anyway

nah man. if someone grinded that much in the remake and start episode 2 only for square to say "lol now everything's gone" do you think that would really fly?

The name is FF7 Remake. They didn't name it FF7.

>This will taint the brand
Shut the fuck up you autist.

the time jannies did appear in trailers

They named the ghosts Arbiters of Fate in the final trailer.

the fact that episode 2 is going to be fuckin UNRECOGNIZABLE as ff7 is exactly why everyone's mad, user

>But a game is not just about the story.
Tell that to the JRPG genre

Sounds like a good thing

I know it would have been more effort but if Nomura really wanted to fuck shit up KH style so badly, couldn't they have done two modes of the game?

Mode 1) faithful to original, extra side content, exploration, more dialogue maybe, nothing crazy
Mode 2) crazy new take on ff7 Nomura style, anything goes

You'd select which one you want to play at the start

The two become one.

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Yes user, because if there is one thing FF7 fans wanted from this, it is to play a Kingdom Hearts tier garbage game full of time travel and alternate dimensions.
That's precisely what every FF7 fan wanted all along, you figured it out.

Am I crazy, I remember them talking about the arbiter's of fate as being optional content that would let you experience sneak peaks of the FFVII story not completely hijack the plot

That's a crazy amount of worke just to pander to some crazy hack that likes to fan fictionalizes is own work with contrived shit.

90% of the people crying never even played the original

There'd be no reason for them to cry

Yes playing FFVII is some kind of elite thing, nobody did it except for yourself.

Kys faggot

People who didn't play the original don't have a reason to bitch.
If anything, it's fans of the original who are angry.

You can watch the final trailer here. Yes they didn't spoil what the entire game is gonna be, but they alluded heavily to it.

The FF7 brand got tainted with the Compilation, user. But this is the final nail in the coffin of Square Enix.

I want to like the ending. I want to be hype for part 2. But it just seems like a massive fuck up. Can any user help me see it in a different light?

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