Tina is a miracle of this universe

Tina is a miracle of this universe.

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Gross. Do you have any idea how much bacteria is in a person's bellybutton? It's literally the filthiest part of the human body

Then I guess nobody should even come near you since you're the filthiest part of human existence

If she had actual muscles, like I'd expect a pro wrestler to have, she would be

She used to have abs.

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Shit like this is why SF5 is currently winning the fighting game waifu war. People actually like variety in their women, not just copy-pasting the same body over and over and changing the head.

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I wish they would see the appeal of giving the girls definable muscle tones especially for the girls that would make sense to have but it doesn't look like they're doing that any time soon since they're in full gacha mode pumping out shit OCs for said gacha.

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there's darli dagger in samurai shodown

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I know there's some at least out there besides Street Fighter and SNK has a decent amount actually but I was talking more so Team Ninja.

Most beautiful Doa

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post moar

That's it for Tina with abs. Lame I know.

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Irrelevant old hag*

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She cute but I like her brown friend more

A rare Lisafag.

Are Lisafags really that rare?

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Definitely, especially these days.

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I don't really mind the new OC but they shouldn't shaft the older girls either.

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I don't think OP is exactly fond of the OCs at all so posting them might cause some disputes.
I love Luna!

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They have to check whether the softening lotions work properly, seems like an effective way of checking to me.

In the end, hating on DoAs you don't like is stupid and a waste of time for everyone involved.

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For me, it's Christie.

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I want to show Christie a beetle

I like Christie when she has the bob cut.

Is that the entire context for the bubble suits event memories? Asking for a friend haha.

The car?

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The bug