In terms of gameplay, and story, Sonic has had a better and more faithful transition from 2D to 3D than Mario

In terms of gameplay, and story, Sonic has had a better and more faithful transition from 2D to 3D than Mario.

Most 3D Marios
>No power ups, and if there is it's only for a limited time
>Health Bars
>Same boss fights with Bowser over and over.
>Still the same generic story involving saving peach over and over
3D Sonic
>Almost every mechanic is carried over
>Different boss fights
>Went in a more serious direction that gave it a shitton of online fan support that's lasted it to this day.

You're being dishonest if you think otherwise.

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In terms of quality most of em are subpar

Mario or Sonic?

The one you are trying to soul v soullless

Every single gameplay element from the 2D games is there in 3D with Sonic. Can you say the same about Mario?


no but I can't say that most of the 3D titles from Mario are below an 8/10 outside of 3D Land and Sunshine

How? Mario to this day still doesn't have basic stuff like power ups and stomping still feels awkward.

3D World and 3D Land.

>Only two games and it still took 20 for them to add them in.
>Sonic has had 2D mechanics in 3D since the beginning.

You’re too early with this. The youtuber basedmind still barely accepts that 3 and K is one of the best 2D games ever made. It’ll be years before they get redpilled on the 3D sonic games

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Super Mario 64 going that route was good in hindsight. New Super Mario Bros. was a mistake. Yes, I know the latter is 2D but my point stands.

based? based on what?

And Galaxy, and Galaxy 2

It still stripped away almost every mechanic from 2D while Sonic did 3D gameplay flawlessly.

This. I’m already starting to see the youtube hive mind start to make videos defending the adventure games, soon normies will be programmed to accept the fact that sonic was always good.

except mario is fun

What's fun about slow, plodding gameplay, again?

As opposed to the hivemind bashing adventure and accepting was never good?

>Sandopolis and Knuckles
No. I'd rather play Heroes than that garbage.

And added a new set of mechanics to transcribe Mario's movements to 3D. You'll never get a game like it again because it has to have all the bullshit powerups and streamlining.

>Sunshine and Galaxy
>below 8/10
Shit taste

Yes. That’s how normies think. They watch “experts” talk and accept whatever their opinion is. I’m not commenting on what the “correct” opinion here is (I think the adventure games are based) but the mass normie narrative is controlled by whatever the consensus in the media they consume is.

Imagine your IQ being this fucking low lmao

One bad level as opposed to 2/3 of adventure 2 being bad.

>And added a new set of mechanics to transcribe Mario's movements to 3D
That's all good but it isn't classic Mario. Mario runs and jumps. Sometimes he gets a powerup that lets him throw shit or fly. I don't think it was necessary to give him 7 different jumps, 6 horizontal attacks, and the ability to crawl.

> no rolling physics
Sorry but no. Momentum based platforming has never been tried in 3D Sonic. Both have been unfaithful if anything, the difference is the 3D Mario games are actually good

>Sonic did 3D gameplay flawlessly.
Have you played sonic adventure?
It's fucking trash.

>Barely any spin dash or secrets bar 1 or 2 games
>An elemental shield or two
>Have press X to bounce on enemies button instead of making good jumps
>ruin sonic's proportions

Are you sure about that? Have you tried spindashing up or down slopes in SA1/2 lately?

>Mario runs and jumps
Which is what he does in 64.
>Sometimes he gets a powerup that lets him throw shit or fly
Also in 64. He can even pick up things and throw them. Did you play the game?
>I don't think it was necessary to give him 7 different jumps, 6 horizontal attacks, and the ability to crawl.
They wanted to get his movements right in a 3D plain, an attempt was made and it worked. Far better than a lot of 3D games that came after it, even to this day. I came off the 2D Marios and 64 was fantastic in introducing the character to a 3D plain. Perfect? No. Ambitious and successful? Absolutely. It took me nearly twenty years to appreciate 64.

I don't think you played the game or you wouldn't have made your post.

Yes I’m sure. You can’t roll. The adventure games focus on speed, not momentum building.

I'm not a big fan of sonic but yeah, gameplay wise it's actually better than mario in my opinion. I just watched the movie and god damn it's above my expectations too.

>He can even pick up things and throw them
Don't be disingenuous. You're arguing in bad faith. You know I meant fireballs and hammers.

But almost none of the mechanics of 2D carried over into 3D. They had to give mario punches and kicks, and barely any power ups.

>3D games are different than 2D games

>No power ups, and if there is it's only for a limited time
>Health Bars
These are irrelevant nonsense
>Almost every mechanic is carried over
This is literally not true at all and you're being insanely dishonest
>Same boss fights with Bowser over and over.
>Still the same generic story involving saving peach over and over
>Different boss fights
>Went in a more serious direction that gave it a shitton of online fan support that's lasted it to this day.
So what you're saying is that Mario is a more faithful translation from 2D to 3D, since 90% of boss fights in 2D Sonic are against Eggman or one of his robots?

>Barely any spin dash
What? Almost every 3D Sonic game has some version of the spin dash.
>An elemental shield or two
This is a good point, but it's still way better than Mario barely having any power ups.
>Having to press X to bounce on enemies instead of making good jumps.
This I somewhat agree with, but the way it was handled was way better than mario. Even to this day, trying to line up your jumps on enemies in 3D mario feels awkward.
>Ruin Sonic's proportions
Nigga for real? Sonic can't evolve?

Imagine being obsessed with normal people.

Don't move the goalpost, you said lets him throw shit and he does that in 64. Next time specify what you meant.

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Sonic did it better though. Every mechanic from 2D is carried over into 3D. Mario barely had any mechanics from 2D carry over in to 64. You're being dishonest.

And why is that a bad thing? I thought people hated Nintendo for rehasing their games. Finally a game decides to be original and do its own thing and now it's a bad thing? What is it, should Mario stick to what it always uses or should it try something original? And now you know why New Super Mario Bros. ruined Mario.