Remember the south park episode about world of warcraft? those were the days

remember the south park episode about world of warcraft? those were the days

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Remember that South Park episode that had PewDiePie in it?

They levelled on boars from 1-60 which is not possible they would have capped out at 10.

Attached: 1502480650513.jpg (249x250, 7.64K)

Really? im curious to know what other things they did that were lies

It was entirely alliance races, it wasn’t exactly a lie but it was weirdly bland for whatever reason

I can suspend my disbelief for most of the inaccuracies but they should have made the ganker a horde player.

Better than the entire 2 seasons afterward

You cant kill someone of your own faction, which is why is correct, the fat nerd should have been a horde player.

The whole point was that he was breaking the game and killing people anyway
Which makes it weird that they could beat him by just grinding but fuck it just enjoy it

Or just ban the player

What happened to South Park bros? Why is it so shit now

crass humor was counter culture in the 2000's
Counter culture of 2020 is being polite, having a job and being married.

Season 21 ruined everything

Yasssss goy

Blizzard helped make the episode so they obviously don't give a shit.

>obviously don't give a shit
I wouldn't be surprised if this was modern blizzard.

No way. The show had already run it's course by season 18-19

I think you grinded a bit too much and reached your autism level 60 already. If they kept the real rules there would be no episode. The guy couldn't kill the players and even if... blizzard would just ban him.

after season 11 it died

Nigga the entire plot is that some dude kept killing everyone and Blizzard couldn’t do anything about it except put a fucking sword on a usb and give it to them so they can use it against the other player.
And your problem is grinding boars?

Anyone watch that "Non-family" show thats being advertised?


Yes, it is great much better then south Park

Delete this and quote me properly boi

For: "04/12/20(Sun)18:30:22"

is it even a real thing? I sure as fuck wont click on it, but to me it just seems like some shitty click bait pics someone made and theres nothing to it

>actually in the same time zone as me

It’s amazing anyone gets clicks from ads here given how aids everything is

Id never click on any ads on Yas Forums desu

The joke was that his character was such a high level, he was more powerful than the game itself and all its logic. He'd been playing non-stop since the game released and was too high level to ban, and he was powerful enough to just stab players even though the game is designed to prevent it.

He was just wandering around basically naked wielding a knife.

The kids tried to beat him by collectively wasting their lives leveling as much as they could in an area where that guy didn't hang around, and ultimately even that wasn't enough because the guy never stopped playing and they couldn't catch up.

So Blizzard gave them some bullshit sword that was totally OP, and that closed the gap, because the kids were using the best gear they could find and an imbalanced weapon, and the guy wasn't even wearing gear anymore.

Honestly what a fucking chad.

blizzard died in 2003

> it's just shitty south park
Wh-who dumped so much money into advertising?

There is a shit ton of stuff that is inaccurate. I'd have to re-watch the episode to give a full list but most of their references to various abilities are either flat out wrong in what they do or tactically make no sense (like taunting a player for example does nothing). There is also a few awkward times where they just warp in the world, like the initial battle planning meeting takes place in the Alterac Mountains and then they quickly shift to Arathi Highlands for the actual battle.

Still a great episode, just feels like they only knew WoW on the surface level and then made everything else up. That itself also could be the joke.