What are the best Christian video games?

What are the best Christian video games?

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Shin Megami Tensei

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El Shaddai

Not 4 apocringe

dragon quest

the europe only game Noah's Ark for nes. Super 3D Noah's Ark is pretty good too if you like wolfenstein. I'd suggest the brutal mod version.

Sir I don't think you're being lawful rn

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They're all good enough, the selection is pretty small.

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Is there truly no Christian themed RPG?


Fuck law, fuck chaos, fuck gods, fuck demons, and fuck humans, but most of all fuck collectivism.

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And fuck the alt right.

it doesn't get any better than this

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nah, thats kyuuyaku megai tensei

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That falls under the purview of "humans". None of your worthless politics have any value, you're all just a bunch of hypocrites using morality as dagger pointed at the neck of whoever you find inconvenient.

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You are a literal cringe neckbeard Dadga, and your mom is disappointed in you

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>this coming from a glorified wind up doll

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Go to christ centered gamer and filter by most religious or whatever metric she uses

If being an edgelord is a sole personality one is merely calling the kettle black

he was right though, edgy or not

No he wasn't

>Inadvertently calls his mom and himself cringe
>Has to rely on Nanashi to get things done

Heppy Easter anons...

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So what exactly did Jesus sacrifice again?


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


>Features anti-papal propaganda

He got nailed to a wall and poked with a stick so you can masturbate to your degenerate porn all day.

nothing, he tried making a cult and got crucified, his jew followers spread it to the poor and slaves and thats how it got popular cuz most pagan cults had standards and werent into helping the less fortunate

>Worshipping a pile of rocks

The Poperino is a Catholic thing, not Christian. You understand what I'm saying.

if you dont understand how cults worked in the antiquity then dont reply

>pagan cults had standards
top kek

easter is a pagan hoax

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>no argument
toppest of keks pogchamp


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>The (You) Testament

Is that why Americans don't celebrate it?

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those scumbags do not represent America

I do, the Greek philosophers ended up rejecting polytheism in favor of monotheism because they found Logos and had the Euphyro dilemma. Furthermore pagan religions do not have any orthodoxy, hence why many oral stories regarding the pantheons are gone. It is Pascha in every other language, meaning "passover".

I have a friend who is a priest, here are is top 5 games :

1. Professor Layton
2. Elite Beat Agents
3. FF12
4. Kingdom Hearts 1
5. Devil May Cry 3

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you didnt disprove anything I said, but thanks for this useless information, stick to video game discussion

Passover is not easter though. Passover is mentioned in the Bible however, unlike Babylonian queen Ishtar's bday.

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