X0 World Live 2020
>PSO2 held hostage on fucking Xbox until June 20th.
holy shit we're gonna probably get a sequel bros
>June 14
Might as well say next year. I am exited to see what buying a dozen studios will lead to though.
>Power your dreams
wow why didn't any of us pick this up? ofc they were hinting at a sega acquisition
>SMT V is gonna be a xbone exclusive
>Page not found.
>page not found
what kind of trickery is this?
>dead link
jesus christ does someone have an archive? website is down
they probably put it up a day early, IGN said they have a big Xbox article releasing on monday
No way Microsoft buys Sony, it would just start a bidding war with Nintendo.
so did Microsoft just acquire sega or something?
wasnt microsoft looking to buy a japanese studio?
sega would be perfect for it, they can make enough games to make the xbox viable for weeaboos and nips
I will legit go back to xbox if that's the case, I haven't even bought a switch anyway and it's $700 now. fuck that
what does SEGA have to do with this
they don't make hardware anymore and barely do shit aside from sitting around these days?
oh fuck oh fuck please no
Can't wait for TW Warhammer 3 to have a nigger lesbian transgender factions
nah, very based. now sega games will all come to game pass day 1 and we'll all proper PC releases for all their future titles.
I believe that image to be fake
Would they be able to save Sonic?
>nocturne at 4k 60fps on the series X
>persona 5 royal 4k 60fps on the series X
>SMT V 4k 60fps on the series X
true if big
oh god no
i dont want to buy a shitbox
wasn't something involving Sega supposed to be happening April 20th?
If Microsoft acquires Sega, they better leave Atlus alone.
>buying an xbone when its gonna be on PC
>page not found
It's not real, is it.
It’s fake user
Yes and future titles will most likely be developed on unreal engine 4, all those studios will now be able to communicate and give each other advice on how to optimize the engine
not sure if Atlus is part of the deal yet
Dark elves got you covered.
That would be the worst shit to happen. They'll turn them into another RARE.
>Persona is now an Xbox exclusive
I'm OK with this.
Those games look so shit they should be 8k 144fps at this point
Both of them love to leave their IPs in a vault so it's a match made in heaven.
god no no no no no
I dont want to have to buy an xbox too
Amplitude Studios
Creative Assembly
Relic Entertainment
Sports Interactive
Two Point Studios
That's alot of weeb n strat
>Turn them into another RARE
you mean the studio that was collapsing before Microsoft acquired them? they were always a sinking ship.
Microsoft was actually able to flip them around but it took damn near almost 20 years and a non finished game an extra year in the oven. Sea of Thieves has RARE soul now.
OG Xbox felt like a SEGA console with the exclusives it got.
sega owns atlus
if microsoft owns sega, they own atlus too
Sega don't understand anymore.
There won't ever be a sequel
>Yakuza, Persona, Sonic will be Xbone exclusive
>Microsoft was actually able to flip them around but it took damn near almost 20 years and a non finished game an extra year in the oven. Sea of Thieves has RARE soul now.
i'm highly skeptical but even if that's true how fucking bad do you have to be to fuck things up for 20 years
if true ill kill myself and stream it right here
if it was EA or activision they would've shut them down turned them into a support studio for Gears/Halo. None of that happened under Microsoft.
>On April 1, 2020, Sega Interactive merged with Sega Games Co., Ltd. The company was again renamed Sega Corporation, while Sega Holdings Co., Ltd. was renamed Sega Group Corporation.[239] According to a company statement, the move was made in order to _allow greater flexibility_ with the research and development departments.
>Mfw i wouldnt mind this if my laptop could play current gen games at max settings