Why was he SUCH a beta?

Why was he SUCH a beta?

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chad Architect vs virgin Coryphenis

why didn't we get the first

The Architect was legitimately insane, this poor fuck just woke up in a world without any of his gods.

I honestly don't know, since the game implies he survives even if you choose to kill him. The Architect was originally going to be the Warden contact if he was still alive, but I think the developers felt it didn't present much of a choice when deciding who to sacrifice.

they make a cute couple

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>Lets use that guy from dragon age 2 dlc that no one played as the big bad for the next game
Why is this becoming a trend. Delilah from Dishonered 2 for example.

that was a pretty kino dlc though

>let's use our last piece of DLC to tease content for the upcoming sequel
Yeah, I wonder why developers could think that was a good idea.

It was pretty great, some of the best dialogue and lore in the game. Getting to Corypheus and having Hawke and co just not give a fuck who he was was pretty amazing.

he was retarded but not as much as solas

Solas did nothing wrong.

the game happens because he did everything wrong

He has done everything wrong. A fail after fail after fail.

Wait there was dragon age 2 dlc

Yes, but one of them was positively painful to play through, one of the worst DLC’s I’ve ever played

>literally creating the world is now doing wrong
I guess I see where you're coming from, but I don't agree. With regards to Coryphyelad I don't see an issue, since as far as Solas knew he'd just be turned into a smoking crater.

>2 examples, both from several years ago, is a trend

That one was painful just from everyone pronouncing "wyvern" wrong

And now he wants to destroy the world, wow, great.

From you youtube videos I watched, he was way more interesting in the DA2 DLC whereas he's just a generic villain in DA3.

Dude was one of the OGs to enter the Black City but according to him, everything was already ransacked when he got there. That plot point is far more interesting than everything else in DA3.

People will just turn into spirits again, right? No harm, no foul.

no, he wants to wipe out the lesser races and bring about the elf paradise again

INT build

In fact now that I think about it, what kind of games are there where it's less about saving the world and more about uncovering ancient lore?

I know Planescape already fits that bill.

>elf paradise
it was never a paradise, there's a reason Solas created the veil in the first place

For all its faults in presentation the Age of Decadence did this really well. In fact, the more lore you discover the more likely it is that instead of saving the world you're just going to end it again, whether accidentally or intentionally.

The idea is that it was a paradise once, or at least had the potential to be, and that's what Solas is interested in reclaiming.

it was a paradise once, but the same supposed paradise resulted in man-made gods who enslaved their people and were completely fucked up

was it really a paradise then?

>Age of Decadence
Thanks user. I'll take a look some time.

Why aren't there any Asian people in Dragon Age?

>because it's based on European fantasy!
So why are Indians and blacks everywhere but not Asians?

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it will be once the only enavuris left is based Solas

you don't get progressive points for including asians

Well, it was a paradise once before the others fucked it all up. Solas is just going to make sure he's the only one around this time and then no worries for anyone.

I mean you can say that about most games. It used to be that East Asians don't bother shouting for racial representation (this is changing recently though).

Don't worry. Samurais soon.

No worries, hope you enjoy it - it's a passion project made by a small team so the implementation and pacing comes off oddly (it always reminded me of a nwn mod that got out of hand) - for example, if you don't know what you're doing it can be easy to accidentally trigger a questline that advances the game and makes an act seem really short, even though you just skipped a lot of content. Do as the game says and save a lot and you'll be fine.

One hint - the best way of earning skillpoints is through skill use, not much (one/two at a time) but it adds up. A lot of players don't realise this, but it means if you spend your skillpoints early and then use them - say on sneaking around or lockpicking things - you get enough free points to refund what you spend, at least at the low levels of the skill, but if you hoard them and never use them you'll feel like you're always behind.

Anyway, good luck user! I hope you enjoy the game, it has a really interesting setting.

Solas is already threatening the whole world and naysayers are mauled, like Felassan. When the '' world '' is restored he will without a doubt become the Evanuris he so despised.

it's actually refreshing to see a kitchen-sink-fantasy setting that doesn't have a japan analogue shoved into it. not that there's anything wrong with japan or japanese history, just that everyone fucking does the same thing
