they are going to fucking ruin it
holy dropped
No way fag
capcom is literally at hollywood "just remake everything" phase
cant wait for the RE5 remake to be an absolute downgrade even on the graphics department
Calling bullshit on this one.
I don't want to go full doomer, but they have way more of a chance to fuck it up than anything else.
But thats not a bad thing. It means the superior team who made Remake 2 is making something better. Like Dino Crisis remake!
>Ashley becomes a gun toting badass shooting her way out of confinement
I can't wait!
4 isn't being remade.
Fuck off.
1, 0, and CV all would be remade before they would ever touch 4.
RE3Make wasn't perfect but it is a fine enough remake, but if RE4Make isn't literally perfect it will not be received well as the original game still holds up to this day as a masterpiece.
This one needs to be done inhouse.
fuck yeah badass gunbabes are the best, hope she can get into more "compromising" positions if you know what I mean heh heh
>development led by M-Two
I've been wanting to play this, but there was no way I was going to deal with the garbage graphics it came with.
Can't wait to buy it at Gamestop for $20
hopefully they add more replayability like the other ones did
I still kind of want to play RE3make.
I'm waiting for a sale, but its really tempting to buy it. Oh well, superior game comes out in 2 days.
I can't wait for the remake of the game that marks the turning point of the series towards complete garbage. I don't understand why this game is so praised.
hahahaha sorry mate that crown was taken by re3remake just like the original for been shit
Never heard of this before. What would you compare it to? The screenshots on Steam aren't really doing it any favors
>really tempting to buy it
no idea. i'm just fucking arond it looks pretty medoicre but it has cute girls.
If they bring back some elements from the other versions of RE4 from 2001 and keep the game more horror orientated by limiting ammo, cutting the Island/action sequences, extending the village sections etc, this could work. The village section of RE4 was kino as fuck and had a ton of potential if they kept the horror elements from the og games.
But if they make it like the RE3 remake then it's a waste of development. They already remastered it for 2 generation of consoles and the action oriented sections had a bad impact on RE5 and 6, so now's the time to "fix" RE4.
I like zombie games and RE2Make was pretty good.
The only reason I'm holding out on 3 was because the demo played like garbage.
How can anyone have such shit opinion?
this is crapcum telling you zero and CV are good and 4 is shit
I think 3 is fun enough BUT the cut content and how Nemesis is treated is fucking unacceptable. I'd say go for either a key from like CDkeys or discount.
Apparently there will be some story-altering time ghosts
I never played the original so I don't really care about a lot of the complaints about what is or isn't there.
The content seems short though, and not being able to dismember zombies anymore was a let down.
I'd never considered these options before, but I am very keen on all of them. As long as the regenerators are still around and done right, I'd definitely be okay with way more village and way less island.
But if it did happen, the only positive thing to come out if the epic shitshow it'll be is all the triggered kiddies that still think 4 is where RE peaked.
because it's true
Oh. You bamboozled me.
I've been looking forward to it because action games with anime girls is pretty rare.
So i'll get it, but the screenshots do look lacklsuter.