VII remake

It's literally GOTY material

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not really no

How long is it? I'm in the mood for a new JRPG but I never played the original

I agree. Its peak comf

>ugly white girl

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70-80 hours

You mean spic
She's a 10/10 in Mexico


that's very low standards even for modern games

Post Tifa cosplay

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its like 35-40 hours honestly. also most of the time is really good and the game is solid, just the sprinkled in ghost jannie sand the big nomura ending fuck it up.

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I have seen people clocking over 80 hours

If it didn't have the FFVII label it would instantly be a classic

Garbage of the Year? I agree.

They ruined it.

the midgar part in the original is about 5 hours
the remake stretches every gameplay bit into triple it's length, by making walking areas longer, or by making you repeat a task 3 times before progressing.
So while you can say the remake is about 30-40 hours long, it doesn't feel like it has enough content to fill those hours. It's more like playing the original but in slow motion so it lasts longer.
You can also grab some cats and do other menial tasks as sidequests in the remake I guess

Reminder that the game literally has 15 hours of cutscenes
And anothert 10 hours of slowly walking through corridors

It may be YOUR GoTY which is completely fine because everyone has different tastes and interests but to give overall GoTY to a remake of half a game would be beyond silly.

I just started to replay the original and holy shit, the rythm feels so fucking natural. The events unfold at a reasonable pace and you have no shitty fillers. Why do devs feel like they have to bloat their games with meaningless shit constantly?

Is it no longer an episodic release? If it is then where does episode 1 end?

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My favorite part of this remake, other than time jannies, when Cloud and Sephiroth are at the edge of creation. The selling point for me was when Sephiroth asked Cloud to join him to defy destiny, Cloud replied “Never.” Mark my word, the whispers are from the Ancients.

I really like it, and I think the slow build in Midgar kind of works. I am concerned about 2 and 3 though. At this pace, there is no way to include all of the original content and story. Also, how much more of the plot will Nomura change? It is en route to make it not a Remake of 7, but a complete rewrite, alt-dimension-sequel thing. Shit is weird.

>tfw no qt White cosplayer gf

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Is there even a nipple in this set?

It will go down as the most legendary example of a bait and switch in history. If I wasn't blackpilled as fuck when it comes to games I would have fallen for this easily. That demo was convincing as fuck.

>boobs that seperated
>underside connects all the way back up top

shes cute but those titties are a few years away from full egg yolk on a chain

I think they're fine

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hey im not saying its a disqualifier titties are titties but im just sayin from experience


do mutts really?

>That demo was convincing as fuck.
And i fell for it, i can't tell you how mad i am right now

Her teeth gap really ruin the whole thing.

So that's a no. Gotcha.