Persona 5 Royal Sold Below Expectations

Why isn't anyone buying this game? I thought Persona was their golden goose.

Attached: persona-5-royal---button-fin-1581716582492.jpg (1024x1024, 266.51K)

Its a slog
Just watch an anime or read a book

Because the game already exists and you can get it for less than 10$.
Only rich people like me bought this.

>February 5 2020
Keep coping PCfag

Because its a non essential purchase at this time in the world you nog. Mommy and daddy need to pay for your health insurance and food and tp for your ungrateful ass

I didn't play the original, should I get this when it drops to 20 $ or are they different enough that I should play both?

People would rather pay 60 bucks for an unfinished 1/3 of a game instead.

How do you explain FF7R selling like hotcakes?

>Other new releases like New Sakura Wars and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 also underperformed.
OP is a seething tendie, never ever.

[citation needed]

Royal since it basically has the true ending and gives one of the villains way more development.



>All versions sold out on Amazon a week before release
>All versions sold out on Amazon during the week of release
>Sold below expectations
Momma Mia! Pisan, I wonder who could be spreading this misinformation? Perhaps it'sa not a fan of the game, but rather an enemy, no?

This article is from before the Western release, and OP is a fag.

This article was written 2 months before the english version came out.
Literal fake news.

Attached: 1586574167518.png (640x795, 882.17K)

Cool lie bro

Keep coping switchfag

I love Persona 5, but I'm concerned about reports like this. Maybe if you actually care about series you like, you would be too."Why isn't anyone buying"/image/G1v5khSUGx9VivNiuYWssA/
>same filename
Why isn't OP having sex?

the article was from a month before it was available worldwide.

The COPE on this board, holy shit, lol

I remember Yas Forums shilling this shit so hard when the FF7R spoilers first came out. "J-just play Persona 5 Royal! It's c-complete! W-waifus! And every hour Johnny Anime wants to have lunch with you!"

Now your $60 dating sim is in the dustbin of history while FF7R is being celebrated as one of the greatest games every made. It is so sweet.

Does it grieve you to see the depths of your own weakness laid bare, maggots?

Attached: BUY IT.png (564x370, 190.14K)

Because is basically the original, but with one more palace.


hmmm...its almost as if it's the same exact game with some minor additions that came out a couple years ago for full price...hmmmm

Everyone is playing FF7R and forgot about your dating sim. Sorry mate.

>February 5
nice article about jap release
cope switchfag

>nippon sales
>sega says their quarter as a whole bombed in their report, not just specifying any of the three games individually, but together
Why aren't you?
Maybe they should stop doing these rereleases

Attached: el yanderino.png (453x568, 145.02K)

>ff7 couldnt even make to the 90s
pfff haahhaah
Persona 5 is THE definitive jrpg now

Attached: P5R_meta.png (823x393, 91.2K)

The truth is no one actually cares about your weebshit dating simulator. Keep gloating about how you won while living in total obscurity though.

Normies don't care about what soinalists think. It'll sell like hot cakes. Look how well the last Pokemon sold.

Couldn't hear you from down in the 80s score, speak up mate

>in the middle of the pandemic
>when online stores are telling new customers to fuck off because everything is sold out


This. I thought P5 was pretty good but never beat it because it's too fucking long. I have no idea why anyone would wanna waste countless more hours playing a story-based, linear, turn-based game a second time because "WOW, NEW WAIFU!"

Somehow they failed to realize that people bought P3P and P4 Golden, not because they were the same game with more content, but because they were portable ports of console games. Who the hell wants to buy the same thing twice for the same system?

Attached: 12561186_p9.png (512x384, 187.96K)

You will never be a woman P5 tranny

>SEGA confirms it underperformed in Japan
>Atlus celebrates it sold well
Who was right?

Is it worth getting if you have the regular version but haven't played it yet?

Sega was referring to their entire quarter in game sales. It was never just about P5R.

Yeah, hopefully you can sell back your old version.