How does your pc stack up against these two?

how does your pc stack up against these two?

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6700k and 1070 turning 4yrs and still going strong, no reason to upgrade

I have a 6700K and a 1080Ti, I'll probably upgrade before long. I own the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X so I'll probably get both of these as well.

I have only 6(dual cores) but they're at 3.8GHz
Don't know how GTX 1060 6GB will compare to that. Might want to upgrade once new consoles release.

still can't believe the selling marketing point is a fucking SSD

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i7 8700
64gb ram
12tb of SSDs

So good I guess

I suppose their optical drives are better than my non-existent one

PS5 looks weak as fuck. Xbox one series x is on part with a decent pc gaming machine

Thats because PS knows people will still buy PS because of the brand. And funny enough, many Yas Forums tards will come to this thread to defend their choice of the weakstation 5

It might have me beat on the graphics card (I'm using a 1660Ti I got for cheap when some dude's Buttcoin mining operation went bust), but otherwise, both still seem inferior to my PC.

post spec screenshot

They are just custom made PC’s, i was a idort this gen and the only console i don’t regret buying is the switch. Xbone and Ps4 were weak and outdated from the start.

At least with PC’s you can upgrade. If the consoles had proper custom hardware(as in a completly different architechure) then i might be interested.

My PC has a stronger CPU, GPU, more RAM at a faster bandwidth and a larger SSD.
No optical drive though.

screenshots should be mandatory in a thread like this

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Ps5 has the better io, ram and ssd

Gtx 980
8 gigs of ram (mobo failure)
So probably time to upgrade.

still better but i gotta feeling my PC is going to love ton of its value very soon

haven't slept for 24 hours pls forgiv

>mfw upgrading from a 4690k to a 3600
Good bye, Goytel. So long and thanks for all the fish.

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he won't

Guys... how will 1060 fair in the next few years... I can still run most new games at 60+fps 1080p with some setting tweaks but I'm not feeling too good about next gen

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nobody ever does
"who cares if xbox is powerful, derp Ill play their games on my 2x 2080ti SLI , threadripper build"
*meanwhile ps4 is their best system and they only thing they game on*

2080ti i9 900k lmao

Me but with i9 9900k and money gone ja but hey, goym loves me

i3 8100
1060 6GB
16 GB 2666 Mhz RAM
Honestly, I don't even play games anymore.

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dabs on them in general, but my SSD is only 500gb.
Thinking of getting a 1tb M.2 SSD soon for gaymes.

Still getting a PS5 anyway, though. For exclusives and whatnot.

Honestly the Series X stupid name or not might actually be the stronger of the two consoles. Upgraded my PC recently so I don't know i'd have to check
>Inb4 "no games"

SSD space should be the minimum requirement for next gen games.

3700x/2070s. I'm probably good but I don't trusts devs not to still put out some unoptimized pc ports so I'm still gonna upgrade to whatever amd or nvidia puts out.

sidenote: speccy doesn't seem to wanna cooperate with my cpu and ram.

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It's fairly obviously much more powerful.

games are definitely going to be playable for another generation, but you won't have 60 fps or high settings for that matter.

Speccy doesnt work anymore since like 2018.
HWiFO is the new meta.
Also youll be fine, your CPU , GPU and RAM are all better than PS5 which will be the primary platform as usual because console people are brand whores and wont buy XSX unless MS takes massive hits per console.

thing is, power was never the point of consoles. It's comfort and exclusives. Just look at nintendo, they sell gangbuster because they realized competing with pc was worthless.
Sony doesn't seem to understand that as they started to put thir games on pc like the dumbass they are, while there's no reason to buy xbox if you have a pc.

PC + Switch is the only true man choice for gaming going forward