Why is Aerith so much more attractive than Tifa?

Why is Aerith so much more attractive than Tifa?

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Because you like prostitutes

Who does Aeris look like? It's on the tip of my tongue, she looks like an actress.

she's white

Both are equally attractive in their own way

I prefer Tifa. She is even better than the original

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I'm a tifafag but Aerith completely stole the show on this remake.
Got the best scenes, has the better voice.
Only Tifa time wins is when she gets a better scene if Cloud talks to her first on the sewer.

She looks like an angel

>Got the best scenes, has the better voice.
Her scenes are shit, especially when the plate is about to fall and then from then on she magically knows everything that is going to happen.

I can't choose. I like both

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Because she's white


>tfw you'll never cuck Tifa by fucking Aeris in front of her while she watches on awkwardly and tries to hide how upset she is.

hahaha she's not, you're just a gigantic faggot

Do you even reading comprehension user? Aerith has had an inkling all alone, but the Fate Dementors "steal" pieces of her every time they touch her. But as all the players reunite, Aerith starts seeing things clearer. Both she and Sephirot know exactly what happened in the OG, the difference is that for Aerith the knowledge is harder to access so she gets bits and pieces as she goes.

This is never goinng to stop. Is it?

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Because she's white.
Also Tifa sounds like a grandma.

she looks less like a ching chong. though they both act like an*me retards because of the horrible jap mocap mannerisms

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Why are Biggs and Jessie the only characters with actual voice actors?
Why did they pick C list Hollywood actors for the others?

And Jessie is more attractive than Aerith

Yas Forums has the Evangelion waifu war and Yas Forums shall always have its video game equivalent.

They know americans will defend the lowest quality dub possible out of pride.
"W-well at least it's not weebshit....."

Because they gookified Tifa to the max and tried to make her into some japanese idol.

Because you have shit taste.

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>flat chest
>Flat ass
>Flat waist
>Long nose
>Literally a stick
I don't see it. If you like aerith over tifa you have shit taste

Because her puss is full of cunny

Much prettier eyes. Red eyes are shit.

they CHINKED Tifa.

Because they really wanted Tifa to be popular in Japan here, so she looks like an archetypal Japanese beauty. They also wanted to hammer in that sort of wholesome look that Yuna has probably, because Japs love Yuna. Unfortunately for some like myself this just makes Tifa look kinda boring and generically attractive.

Aerith by comparison is more striking with her sharper features and eyes. That Tifa is apparently supposed to be the more attractive one in-universe only sets expectations lower for Aerith.

top: goddess
bottom: bug woman

She’s very kind to Cloud and everyone she meets. A little too expressive at times with her hands and body movements. Basically, Cloud is insane not to pursue her

>She’s very kind to Cloud and everyone she meets
so is Aerith. She's selfless to fault, even telling Cloud that she's alright being in captivity with the dude who ruined her entire life

Why do people hate remake Tifa so much?
She's quite perfect, really.

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I don't like Asian women at all.

Why does Aeris have fangs?

first post, correct post

she looks like a man with a cute face