When will Yas Forums stop treating every new release like another TORtanic...

When will Yas Forums stop treating every new release like another TORtanic? Why does everyone here NEED every new big budget game to be a complete failure?

FF7R is fine. It's not the best game of all time, but for the past two weeks it's felt like every thread I've seen about it has done nothing but try to hype up this narrative about what a colossal failure it'd be, whether it's because of the cut content or altered story or changed gameplay. But none of that stuck. The game came out and in general most people/critics seem to like it, and if you think this game won't be a massive financial success you're absolutely deluded.

So when will it end? This isn't even necessarily about FF7R so much as it is about the amount of people here still clinging on to their glory days of shitposting about TOR when that was new. When will it end?

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BECAUSE we let developers and publishers get away with too much shit as it is. fuck you, the rest of us will have standards


Never. This place is just TORtanic and wojaks now, followed by wondering why they're all depressed and can't find enjoyment in any game now.

>So when will it end?
>When will it end?
Never. Yas Forums loves it too much

Maybe because the devs lied through their teeth regarding this game, and maybe just maybe because the end result is mediocre as hell.

Fun fact: TOR is a successful game that made a metric tonn of money.

Maybe if people would make good video games like Bungie did in 2004 there wouldn't be so much negativity around here.


Maybe you can just accept I think it's shit and want my money back? Thats a real possibility, people actually hating this game.
Whether you think I'm wrong or not doesn't matter.

when video games are great again

reminder 1/2

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>brings up Tortanic again and again 10 years later
>tells others to get help
lel good one

FF7R it's like 10% of the first disc out of 3 of a game that came out like 30 years ago.

Reminder 2/2

These are all you need to know about what is going on today.

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What does TORTanic mean anyway? Isn't tor the deep web thingy?

Because i don't like being scammed

Time proved him wrong though. The pessimist mindset is completely valid, because there really haven't been any good games in the past 10 or so years. Everything has been lies, greed, less gameplay. And before some of you chucklefucks try to cite indies, they're all the same. Lazy, adding nothing to tired genres they try to copy, full of propaganda. Videogames died a decade ago and all that's left are smoldering ashes to be huffed by ignorant zoomers and degenerates.

>literally being the subject of kermits post and being proud of it
Holy fucking shit user you dived right into that face first without any self awareness at all didn't you? Find a new fucking hobby.

>Maybe because the devs lied through their teeth
What did they lie about?

>being this fucking new
Must be bait. Guess it was nothing.

the AAA industry was a mistake, we need another industry crash, prove me wrong

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I don't know if bots liking a game really makes it good.

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They lied about 7 REmake like Kojima liked about MGS2. Not at all. But they got rused and now feel stupid so they'll lash out.

They said it was gonna be a faithful remake ( i don't mind small changes here and there), but what we got was not faithful nor was it a remake. It's a shitty KHesque sequel born straight out of nomura's genius scrotum.

>Time proved him wrong though. The pessimist mindset is completely valid, because there really haven't been any good games in the past 10 or so years.
It only hits you when you care about something. I cared about VR and Yas Forums has proved to be the worst place to discuss VR after HL:A. He's right, just leave this shithole, it's full of wojak posting children anyway.

Never played FF7, but from what I gathered the story is basically different despite being a remake. So is it like how Evangelion is with the Rebuild movies? Same but alterations in the story somewhere near the middle and end?

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Not him but, I don't know if bots liking a game make it bad either

>Never played FF7
why do you care then. Yeah, it's something like Rebuild, only more in your face.

There have been plenty of good games in the past 12 months, let alone 10 years.

All the other threads are just a circle-jerk of sad Ryan Gosling bros... pics, can we actually talk about the game?

Honestly, yeah.
I'm having a blast, if only to see the characters and hear the FF7 music again.

I didn't get to the endgame though, which I know most people complain about for the story going full retard.


It's fun.

Cloud is so fucking cool I lov FF so fucking much

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The meltdown that's happening everywhere is interesting. I'm just surprised people didn't expect some sort of 'catch' was gonna happen.

I never played FF7 so have no nostalgia for it and dont like JRPGs outside of less than a handful of exceptions. I just cant get behind the tone and writing in this, I can see why you get highschool "dual wield!" cringe, it tries so hard to be cool that it circles around to being funny, like the SOLDIER boss who does fucking somersaults and 360 spins in place with no momentum, its just so fucking stupid that its enjoyable. I can see the appeal, it certainly isnt for me, I cant in all fairness say its bad when it clearly is not for someone with my tastes.
>characters constantly talking in the middle of battle
Why are all JRPGS like this, its all melodrama. Looks nice and plays alright at least. Everyone talks and communicates like they arent human.


At least it’s more accurate than the Emo pictures you posted before