What makes Isabelle such a popular AC character?

What makes Isabelle such a popular AC character?

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Furries want to fuck her

>wonderbread guy
What ever happened to him?

He still browses either Yas Forums or /aco/


Furtrannies falling for the most obvious Nintendo pushed shill character since Rosalina.



Furry midget

I think she's cute, but I don't play nintendo games.

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>dogs are the most beloved animal
>is a dog combined with the powers of a bureaucrat that makes everything actually function
>see her every day in New Leaf since she runs the main menu and obviously is how you customize the town
>extremely expressive even by Animal Crossing standards, compared to the more reserved Tom Nook and the laidback and relaxed KK Slider

She's moe, user.

>dogs are the most beloved animal
I think you meant to say cats.

Her cookie

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He meant most beloved by people who aren't dumb assholes, user

her toebeans

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submissive (as a bitch), subservient (as a secretary), obedient (as a dog), reliable (as a life partner)

What's not to like?

Animal Croosers

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I'm playing the 3DS game and I'm surprised she's as popular as she is. You don't really interact with her that much, outside of complaning about someone or building something on the town.

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You interact with her even less in NH, it's about the merchandise and the attention given by the furfags after all

she casts a wide degenerate net that hits pedos, bestiality niggas, furries etc


>Innocent blonde secretary type with VERY conservative personality who is also man's best friend.

>Probably the most well paid female in the game and looks like the universes currency

>Has a skeezy money laundering boss who you owe, making taking her off him all the more tabuu and incentivised

>Cute as all hell

She's just well designed overall really..

>Shih Tzu
>Shih Tzu
>Likes whiskey
>Shih Tzu
>Shih Tzu
>Wears glasses in her spare time

Gee, I dunno

>Wide net

>Both furries and beastiality niggas

Umm.. user. Hate to break it to you but they're one and the same.

Also Isabelle isn't underage


You tell me

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give me a quick rundown on wonder bread guy

Weird dude on DA who commissioned a bunch of artists to draw pictures of wealthy, blonde-haired white women buying cart-loads of wonder bread.

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