Worst mmo awards

>questing involves walking from npc to npc to advance cutscenes, half the time ur walking to an npc who was just next to you in a cutscenes and now they teleported, often times you're running back and forth between locations just to trigger cut scenes and nothing else
>half the main story could be solved by people just using all their magical powers to create cell phone technology
>the other half of the main story is just russian nesting dolls of increasingly spookier bad guys who are controlling other bad guys and so forth
>community is full of tr*ns people, people larping as children, and other weird freaks, although they are very nice people you get the feeling they are nice because they are sad people who crave human contact
>all the MSQ combat can be literally fought afk
* about once every 10 hours of cut scenes you get to do one dungeon (these are pretty nice and fun)
>the classes, overworld, and music are insanely well done but good luck ever getting to actually put your skill on your class to the test, quest in the overworld, or enjoy the music since u will just be doing MSQ and watching cut scenes half of which is just time wasted waiting for a character to *nod*
>fanboys keep telling you to just keep with it, the "good part" is right around the corner, but the game actually continues to get even more oppressive in shoving a boring story down your throat with little to no actual combat or gameplay
>ask someone if there's any light at the end of the tunnel for someone who enjoys the combat but hates the story, someone in my FC says the end game content can be cleared in 30m a week and unless i'm into RPing ill just be bored then they try to start whispering me about my personal life

Is this the saddest game with the most wasted potential of all time?

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WoW is worse.

How would you fix FFXIV?

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>>community is full of tr*ns people, people larping as children, and other weird freaks, although they are very nice people you get the feeling they are nice because they are sad people who crave human contact
>Playing on Aether

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delete weebs

Shb is no better, except the story. The combat is worse, there's less pve content and the one they're putting out is delayed, still no relic, no deep dungeon, less dungeons, etc. Unironically SB was better than SHB.

Remove mithra and tarun taru from game. Develop new content instead of memberberry crossovers from other final fantasies. Any other easy questions?

Delete dungeons and raids.

>music, world, mobs, environment, etc

nuke from orbit
>the entire MSQ
>the playerbase

>the overworld with twice as many quests
>the endgame systems

Not really. At least WoW has a functional endgame that has you logging in every day.
Maintenance mode and terminated service after 1 year, and shutter any future MMOs.

>At least WoW has a functional endgame that has you logging in every day.
You mean chores? You mean it has a method of making you log on to keep up with bullshit instead of having you to log on because you want to play the game. Brainwashed tranny, fuck outta here.

No retard. Raiding/M+. The only reason to be playing that trashheap.

Raids and Dungeons are trash design for slot machine pulling fuck tards like you.

Unironically seething I see. Pretty sad my guy. Maybe this dumpster fire of a game thread you loiter in will have M+ next expansion. :^)

>y-you dont spend your login time screen shotting your cat girlfriend in other games!? They're bad!

Yeah, I mean, the game is literally only enjoyed by unironic brainlets who think the Main Storyline is a masterpiece even though it's worse than some of the worst anime I've ever seen. You're right that the "tight knit community" is mostly mental basketcases with attachment issues who will cling to you and freak out if they see you haven't logged in for more than 24hours. The combat itself is pretty interesting if you are playing one of the more unique Jobs, but all the devs can think to do is put shit on the ground that lights up that you either stand on or don't stand on, the fights lack any sort of interesting mechanics. The game actually violently rejects any attempt to play it heavily or seriously.

People unironically only enjoy this game because they like the look of their character and they are socially isolated and in need of any sort of human contact.

Avoid. Buy the story skip and get to end-game, beat the content whenever it comes out and then drop the game until they drop new content.

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Imagine playing modern MMOs.

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based and btfo HARD

Revert to 1.0

Based SWG chad. Literally every version is superior to any MMO today. Yes, even NGE.

the fetch quest and walking quests are really beyond the pale

how you could avoid mentioning those. patch 2.1-2.55 is enough to break even the most hardened autist's patience.

i'm not joking, i have ironclad levels of patience when it comes to grinding out autistic things in video games, but the 2.1-2.55 series of fetch and walking quests in ffxiv actually broke me and had me screaming profanity at my screen.

I did it for my first character year, it was quite autistic to play this boring ass main quest after 9h shift yet after I bought skip I just don't know what this game has to offer me, then I just deleted it after wasted about fucking 60 bucks in this mess. Right now I try to play it again on new character (lol) and because I'm quite isolated and have nothing to do anymore story seems more reasonable,i learn about craft,hunting other minor shit that wow get on a first place every expansion.

This game really try to be likeable,but if u dont like mmo stuff or just had others things to do,theres completely no reason to play this mess.sad,cos i love this genre, even tho its dead like 7 years.

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Mandatory training rounds for new players.


How do I make friends in MMOs?
>be lonely autist
>always denied from groups because mostly solo player
>cliques and guilds are already set up
>shit at game mechanics anyway
>end up dropping it
>go back next expac for much the same

>>half the main story could be solved by people just using all their magical powers to create cell phone technology
But they have linkshells and use them.

Become an ERP slut

Yeah. Was meant for .
What I want is that you can't just run duty finder and do a dungeon you've never did before. If you don't have a pre-formed party, I want that first run to be with NPCs, so that all mouthbreathers out there have to actually learn what the fuck they are supposed to do in a given dungeon. I did dzemael earlier today and we wiped twiced before the first boss, because I was the only one who actually stood in the purple glowing areas.


remove roulette bonuses for anything besides poetics. Massively tune down the XP for palace of the dead/hoh
Force people to do FATEs together to level up alt jobs, but at this point all the stinkies and sweaties have all their jobs leveled to max so the damage is done, and this would only serve to punish sprouts for not getting the daily limsaidler easy xp via roulettes and POTD to passively level jobs

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I want to actually play the game and I'm not a tranny.

Unfortunately, everyone playing the game is a tranny. It's inescapable. Bad taste begets a bad moniker.

It's ok if your character is female don't worry

You join a cliche/FC/Guild. If you don't want to you are shit out of luck.

The best way to enjoy a MMO is with people you know and people they know.

Honestly i deliberately keep myself Guild/FCless, because i surfed so many they all feel the same, from Yas Forums/InifinityChan exclusive ones to ones where you need to apply at a forum to the Pyramid Scheme ones spamming invites at randoms constantly.

It is just not worth the "Guild bonuses" to deal with the shit, i just talk to people at random instead if something catches my eye, sometimes that pisses people off though.