Caleb Just Finished His FF7R Game Stream!

He saving face but deep down he hates and shows his frustration at the credits. He's mad that Zack, Wedges and many others are alive. And he keeps wondering if it's the old timeline.

He also legit says
>This game is whack but it's a Jrpg.

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nobody cares about whoever this fag is


Funny considering he was saying it was going to be a masterpiece and anybody that question that was a moron.

Nobody fucking cares about your e-bf, grow up.

>doesn't care
>bumps thread
>goes back to patrolling for other threads they don't like
Man you guys are funny. Don't forget to put in your tranny janny applications.

He just tweeted that he loved it. Why are you so desperate to cling to a narrative?

>implying I didnt sage your shitty off-topic e-celeb thread

>back to first page
Nice, good job.

He's saving face for that SE money numbnuts. Did you see the ending credits? He was pissed especially when he saw zack alive.

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He loved it as a standalone game, but not the direction it's heading towards

Everyone I’ve ever met named Caleb was a gigantic faggot so I’m assuming this literally who is a big fag as well

Nomura à proves of this image


He really hated the fact he didn't get to fight motor motorball as a end battle.


say it


nigga speed runs FF7 and says it's the best game ever made like several dozen times a day. Hyped the Remake like the second coming... What can he and Max do at this point? Pretending to be good it's like a self-dense mechanism, so their mind and soul don't break.

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Is this the guy who tried to fuck some roastie in some GDQ event and then got denounced? If that's true, then he's based.

No. Also the dude already has a pretty hot gf.

He said nigger.

Black people say nigger all the time, are they based too?

Your getting him confused with Max dumb nigger.
Anyway Max is next and he might be more broken than him.

No, some chick accused him of harassing her without evidence.

that's him.

I'm with him on that, Motorball is a perfect climax as-is.

he got accused of sexual assault

So he said I'm not going to go there so I can't get accused again.

Caleb? Who is this?

There was tons of drama about Caleb calling someone a nigger in a private discord message he accidentally showed on stream.
He got suspended from Twitch for a month and had his subscriber split permanently reduced, which costs him a lot of money to this day.

uhhhh based?




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>E-celeb did thing
You need to be 18 to post here.

nice e-celeb thread faggot

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