No poorfags edition. How are you liking it so far?

>When the slums music comes on after Aeris joins you
I'm fucking crying

Attached: 3651342-3646194-ffvii.jpg (1214x933, 614.09K)

Yeah I'm feeling around a 9/10 so far, just going to suck waiting for the next installment.

I just beat Dyne. Pretty intense moment for Barret, can't wait to see how they fuck it up.

Is that your first time playing that? Everything I have gone through in the remake has been really good so far, new stuff included. There's no reason to think they're going to fuck that up.

I dislike the combat, corridor level design, and presentation of the plot. The music is pretty good though. this game is the inverse of dqxi

the combat is decent, but i really wish they had more "complex" level designs. it's inmersive when you're in the city, but not so much when you are doing quests

This is the best final fantasy gameplay in a long time. It's essentially the ATB system except you have to attack to charge your abilities and magic. I absolutely love it, and there's no shortage of ways to play it out. Controlling everyone by either taking complete control or just having them cast. It's improved so much from XV

no no no you cannot dislike anything about this remake.

Attached: 1586650973463.png (640x360, 482.04K)

>he's a time janitor
>in the timeline
>of the original FF7
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes timelines he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes timelines he doesn't like because they interfere with the original version of chinese video games he still has to play
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend.
>he will never have any friends

Attached: timejanitor.png (1181x900, 781.07K)

>I'm fucking crying

Why do zoomers pretend to like ff7 when they never even played it before?


Pretty much every thread up right now is shitting on it so pretty sure you can, although I don't put it past schizo shitposters to conjure up some unseen oppressor regardless.


My wife's son is loving, and I are loving it;hopefully Dadarius and her can take a break soon to enjoy it with me :D this is the best thing square could have given us :DD

Why do you strawman so hard?

What fucking name is that?

did anyone else get their ass kicked fighting the wraith hound outside the slums with tifa?

thing does like 250 damage a hit and fucks me up

maybe i just don't get the combat

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>its not ff7, its a remake, its a new game
>why are you trying to pretend to like ff7 you never played it before

make up your mind if its ff7 or a remake user

Switch characters regularly

Just fought Rude. Fight was cool as hell. Both Turk fights were pretty fun.

youre meant to use healing spells
youre meant to build stagger
youre meant to use the assess materia to find out specific enemy weaknesses
youre meant to use clouds block/

>the whole Airbuster boss battle
>Heideggar hologram chirping at you
>mad electric guitar track playing in background
>literal T junction boss battle arena

This is actually fucking amazing.

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I really like it so far. Surprised that I actually didn't hate the Roche interactions even though he is flash faggy over the top awkwardness. Chadley is terrible. Gameplay is fun. Cat quest is fucking dumb. Other side quests not bad.

I think I'd like it better if it was 15-20 hours. Everything from the original is great while all the new scenarios are bad to mediocre. Also lots of slow walking

Fuck off Max

Not playing that crap. I am playing the superior version on my switch and I am enjoying it so far. Not as good as xenoblafr, but passable


Just got to Leviathan fight. After getting wrecked a few times I finally managed to start surviving. Staggered him twice and survived two Tidal Waves. Then I realized I only did about 10% of his total health over the course of like 15 minutes while struggling to keep everybody alive. Just gave up after that.


Play the original not this crap

the best kind to rake in the (you)'s

Just hit chapter 14 when the game actually opens up and lets you fully explore from the Church to the Wall.
All that's left at this point is about half a dozen side quests, and Shinra HQ.
I've loved almost every minute of this game. The only part that's irked me is the texture pop-ins being bugged the further into the game you get with side characters.

>Play the original not this crap
I already have. About a dozen times.

>Switch Version
The game is literally on easy mode. There's a metric fuckton of tiny changes made to make the game substantially easier, from giving Cloud Bolt/Ice right off the bat, to straight up nerfing HP/STR/MAG amounts on a vast majority of boss encounters, and has some of the worst filtering I've seen making all text and UI elements look blurry as fuck if you're playing on anything other than handheld mode.

It's fun so far but I'm on chapter 9 right now and I haven't felt like the tracks have widened at any point. I can appreciate that the game is story heavy, like any Final Fantasy, but after a while without any kind of meaningful hub or stores or freedom I'm feeling a bit burned out.

A big part of the appeal of jRPGs, to me, is having a lot of options on what to do and what to improve with multiple paths for progression that build on top of each other. Right now it doesn't feel like I'm playing a jRPG, it feels like I'm playing Uncharted 5: Midgar Nights

Attached: imustreturntomycoldplanet.gif (450x251, 2.02M)

Chapter 9 is fucking incredible. That Hell house fight is great