What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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buying dlc and painting maps
only invest the money if you are first able to have fun with pic related and paint bucket in GIMP/paint

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Sore hands

OPing a Yas Forums risk game was way more fun than EU games anyway

What's he destination board for these nowadays?

A fun game owned by a scummy company

A complex game you won't fully understand until you get to the point where your empire is too big to be entertaining anymore and you will just stop playing

It's not fun see any "fun" you'll have is 100% artificial

A shit game made by a company that pumps out overpriced DLCs by the dozen and doesn't know history.

is this cope? it's less complicated than risk

sure :)

explain the part about history

A grand strategy game that is neither grand, strategic, nor a game.


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>make a game about ancient rome
>Rome can only have one consul at a time

>introduce great works into a game
>Constantinople gets nothing because Hagia Sophia is unimportant and a pile of stones in England is way more important to world history

both of those things you're bitching about are in their respective games as of the latest patch and also not eu4
also ck2's Stonehenge does nothing unless you're pagan and Haga Sophia really wasn't that special at the time, you only know if from chistard wewuzzing, there are more impressive churches out there

a bunch of uninstalling

They only introduced them because people started giving them shit about it. If nobody spoke up it wouldn't have happened.
>not that impressive
>even turks take special care not to damage it while taking the city and instantly convert it to a mosque
There are records from visitors to the city where they just cum all over themselves after seeing Hagia Sophia. There was literally nothing like it at the time.

>any "fun" you'll have is 100% artificial

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>A complex game
paradox literally makes wargames for drooling man babies and empty-headed teenagers. they are the least complex games of their type.

That map sure changed a lot since the release EU3 ported map.
I remember my Kanem Bornu african conquest campaign at release, when there were like 6 nations in all of sub-saharan Africa and they were all primitives who had to go through a grueling westernization process.
Now all nations in the world are on the same footing more or less.

/bant/ occasionally

>it's not in the game!!
>yeah it is
>well yes BUT...

Name a game more complex fag

>any "fun" you'll have is 100% artificial
Never change, Yas Forums

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I thought it's dead


What does that mean? Why should I care about anything that faggot wrote?

Yeah that's right why even think when you can just consoooooooom right?

>reading comprehension
I never said they weren't in the game.

>why even think
Think about what? Do you have an argument? A point?

You really do need to get into the mindset of the faggot atheist redditor to understand why this game is so popular. These people have never heard of strategy games in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Civilization 5, they were completely alien to them. And they can't enjoy these games because they consider them boring. They want a game that isn't necessarily smart or deep or immersive, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good games or good strategy, nor have they ever picked a book about history. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. EU4 is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love history". The entire foundation of the game is built upon the dichotomy between "silly events and fun stuff" and "this is actually historical and realistic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "this game is alt-history but can still be interesting and challenging" bullshit that EU4 shits out in almost every campaign is what appeals to it's audience. The game doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any historical event, so it spouts these random rng events. Nevermind the embarrassing, forced "references", or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the devs want to remind you that this is historical strategy, or how the entire game is a series of different forgettable campaigns with just enough incompatible historical references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for acknowledging them, or how the nations have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious stereotypes than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Europa Universalis 4.

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>War In the East
>Operational Art of War IV
>Field of Glory 2/Empires
>Graviteam Tactics

I mean, there's a lot. This is just a very small sample.

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all of these suck as games

That's autistic as fuck man but I'll give you that

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any kind of critical thinking would be a good start

>critical thinking
Regarding what you fucking sperg? Not gonna give you more (You)s, kill yourself.