Well ?
How does it compare with Awakening ?
Well ?
Here you go user.
The fuck? Of all titles why choose to compare it to Awakening?
If that's the only FE you've played then there's no point in comparing 3H to the rest of the franchise.
user, get your shit together. Awakening and Fates are fine
So 3H is the second best game in the franchise?
This is the most "I started with Tellius and have only finished five Fire Emblem games total" chart I've ever seen
>The fuck? Of all titles why choose to compare it to Awakening?
I loved awakening but had stopped midway because of how characters snowballed it wasn't event funny
Also butthurt that I had "Maiden" marry Chrom what the fuck
>Also butthurt that I had "Maiden" marry Chrom what the fuck
As in, the village maiden? Then you fucking deserve it for not using the support system
It removed some quality of life changes, go into the Options menu of Awakening/Fates and you'll see tons of options to customize the game. There are 25+ units on average in a single playthrough for most people in the most recent FE games and they removed the "Optimize All" button that quickly equips everything onto your character. In Fates the game would skip the tutorial phase and let you start at the beginning of any of the 3 routes, in 3 Houses you must do the tutorial phase before unique storyline begins. It's stuff like this that's mind blogging, features being yanked. They should really play their own games.
Barring Edelgard's route, the two primary routes in the Blue and Yellow House are alright to experience. My advice is to only do the Monastery "quest logging" experience once a month and try to speedrun towards the next story chapter. Don't even slow it down for the romance, which barely exists.
The biggest weaknesses are the lack of route exclusive maps/map reusage and a bunch of filler shitter content in-between chapters. The graphics are absolutely abysmal and are quite distracting when you focus on it. Would trade the monastery away for that Awakening world map if it meant more unique maps and better graphics/animations. Also bring back the children marriage mechanic for time skips.
Fixed it.
Orange is "it's fine"
Green is "it's an enjoyable experience"
Red is "it's bad"
And I never played Sharp
It has a lot of flaws but it's full of soul. Definitely one of the best games
I did use the pair system but had Chrom with male characters
Like what the fuck how was I supposed to know there was a marriage and kid system it's not the sims
meant for this>I did use the pair system but had Chrom with male characters
Is this going to be the worst Fire Emblem post of Easter 2020?
It's a frontrunner
Never played a Fire Emblem before. Sell me on this game fellas - what would I be in for if I were to get it, what's its unique selling point/s?
It's a strategy RPG. Anyone who tries to use 3H to sell you on Fire Emblem as a franchise is a retard and you should ignore them.
The unique selling points are as follows:
-You can romance characters
-Multiple story routes
-It's a triple AAA strategy game
Maybe Reddit would be a better website for you to visit. I heard they love Awakening and Fates there.
Started on GBA, finished all of them.
>liking village emblem and nosferatu emblem
0/10 bait. Make it less obvious next time.
What horrible taste, holy shit.
this, desu.
Being able to piece by piece grow and customize individual members of a larger army to gather and shape the kind of army that's exactly what you want. As you play through the tactical maps in attempts to score points and resources while clearing the objectives. Across one of several story paths of your choosing.
Plus tons of lore. Featuring likeable characters.
I don't really know what else to say. Have you played / liked any tactical RPG before? If you have you very well might like it.
>what would I be in for if I were to get it,
>Turn based strategy
>Set in the medieval times with Fantasy elements (magic/dragons)
>You play a proffessor that trais the future nobles and merchants at the main Church of the continent
>Your students interact with you and each other
>You can train them in differnet skills (sword/axe/flying), but they have a certain preference
Vastly improved. And TMS is also green.
Nigger, you are a retard that thinks the GBA games are the best just because the animations are nice. Your opinions and lies are worthless.
Maybe you should off yourself. Awakening is an easy reboot and Conquest is great
I keep forgetting this game exists.
Did it sell well? I never see threads about it. I assume it has a /vg/
Isn't it weird how after all this time of 3DS babies being part of FE culture they still don't know how to hide their abysmal taste? How the FUCK do they not know better?
>Did it sell well?
>I never see threads about it.
You must be blind, an Edelgard thread pops up every week
>I assume it has a /vg/
The Fire Emblem Franchise always had one
>Conquest is great
Oh no no no no no no
>I never see threads about it.
Really? Because it has like, daily threads. Like 2~5~ threads daily.
Most criticizing Edelgard while her fanboys deny the truth.
How the FUCK are you still seething about the 3DS?
heroes is mainline retards
>Most criticizing Edelgard while her fanboys deny the truth.
Literally based. I am so blessed to be in good company today.
If your reaction is just mild enjoyment why even play every game in the series?
Like I said, you'd fit in just right with the other Redditors.
Awakening played it disgustingly safe and is "fine" overall, whereas as much as I still don't like the overaall setting of 3 Houses it had at least 1.5 genuinley engaging narratives, tried some good things with existing mechanics added new gameplay things or re-introduced things that more or less were fine but looked kinda terrible overall. still a net gain.
I can never decide on a way to play these games so I don't bother.
>Casual non perma death, hardest difficulty
>Perma death, normal difficulty, reset map on character death
>Perma death, normal, commit to deaths and push on
I pick one, regret it then wish I had done another then drop the game.
Three Houses, just due to fact that there is no golden ending. I prefer endings that are more grounded than the usual everyone is happy and working together idealistic type of ending.
real talk, the only fire emblem game i hated was Revelations, not even Fates as a whole, just Revelations.
i think we can all agree this DLC was a shitter.
Perma death, hard difficulty, reset map on character death
Now THAT is kino
>just due to fact that there is no golden ending.
>real talk, the only fire emblem game i hated was Revelations, not even Fates as a whole, just Revelations.
>i think we can all agree this DLC was a shitter.
Is 3H balance better than awakening ? That's really what ruined it for me
Yikes, it's a nuFEtranny. When people say they hate the 3DS era, they mean they hate when Smash 4 retards flooded the fandom and, at BEST, played Fates before trying to insert their opinion everywhere.
Your opinions will still absolute shit and a blight on FE discussion until you play more games.
I'd say it's about on par with xenologues.
Why even turn perma death on if you're just going to reset when someone dies? Literally no different to playing casual mode.
Play on a lower difficulty but actually follow through with deaths, pussy.
>Sell me on this game fellas
it's a storyfag game, it's pretty telling when everything about it is shitting on a dumb girl.
Because I'm not some underage or senile boomer who thinks that video games are magical. Now KYS.
>Play on a lower difficulty but actually follow through with deaths, pussy.
Revelations was the only Fates route that hit a 4/10 for me. I thought it was very refreshing and a step up from the other routes
>I never see threads about it.
You can not possibly be serious
It overcommits to the shitty school parts and only leave mediocre map design throughout the whole game. It's okay enough if you can go through the school shit and not feel sick of it.
I usually find the idea of automatic shit disgusting in most games but I must say I quickly made use of it in FE3H