What went wrong?
What went wrong?
its been ten years and still no adventure mode just play the same shit until level 60 and then get to do maps
do you guys even hear yourselves lol
living off the hatred of another game and having that hatred as the main selling point.
as soon as people forgot about diablo 3, PoE had no reason to exist anymore, meaning only a few autists still play it along with all the chinese.
Unoptimized piece of garbage
Became loot pinata. Also tencent.
>few autists.
Last league starter had another record break in Steam with 132,000 players. Servers actually haemorrhaged because reportedly that day had 400,000 people playing at the same time. This was the starting weeks of coronavirus so quarantine measures and social distancing probably affected those numbers but thats still 100,000+ autists playing the game each league.
Zoomer begone.
>muh endgame
>let me skip grinding campaign and start grinding maps from level one
>trading is too cumbersome, where is my instant buy AH
>oh, no early maps are too boring, let me start from red maps
>uber lab is too boring, unlock all ascendancy points at certain levels, plox
>setting up atlas is too broing, just let me start with 150/150 and level 8 awakining bonus
>this game has no content, I quit
Faggots like you ruined WoW.
Speed meta, poor optimization, and bugged leaguestarts, are the main problems imo.
PoE is the most popular ARPG on the market.
A Frankenstein's monster of a game built with dozens different parts. And now with time all of them begin to rot. The whole body struggles to keep itself together and is falling apart.
Fucking this. I started playing PoE for the first time this league and I had a really great time until I got to the point where I need to kill all the conquerors with 4 keystones intact. The mapping in general is boring my fucking eyes out. The game needs more activities to balance out that mundane mechanic. And the delirium mechanic... time based activities are just ass that kill trading.
>bugged leaguestarts, are the main problems imo.
Isnt that the whole point of Leagues anyway? To make players betatest your new idea for the game.
>lets make endgame a chore
>also don't you love wow bosses? well enjoy your shit hp bloat with inmunity phases
>1 shots because we dont even play our game and only look at streamers with 600 mirrors worth of gear
>Always online only
>Chinese company
>$50 "Microtranstions".
we're talking about path of exile not warframe
>rush league release full of bugs
>fix part of them after a month
>leave everything else unfixed because you have to rush league release
>repeat for 3 years
And they add everything on top of each other so game is so bloated people have to remove sound to have more than 20fps
>>setting up atlas is too broing, just let me start with 150/150 and level 8 awakining bonus
well if they didn't balance the game around having 150 bonus to get the fucking maps you need to run to be able to get maps , no one would give a fuck . its not a bonus its a mandatory for the shit atlas to work
No target audience in mind. HC leagues are pretty much dead except for streamers meanwhile zoomers are raving about trading and leveling.
Thats why SSF is the true way to play the game. I wish there was GSF-ladder though, then you could race with a group of friends but trading only limited to that set limited group of friends you assign in the beginning.
They're supposed introduce new mechanics and items in order to lure players back to the game. Right
Literally nothing. Devs invested nothing of their own money, instead they launched this game purely due to crowdfunding, and now it has a huge following. The devs are rich and the playerbase is overall happy. Win-win.
Using loot filters as a band-aid instead of fixing the way their drops work is definitely one of the biggest problems.
nice grinding game but fuck it is cluttered, who wants to pick up 100 splinters one by one thats crazy
I tried playing PoE, though I should say it's the only aRPG I've ever tried.
I dropped off kinda quickly. I tried a few different builds, had the most luck with a necromancer just spamming undead hordes. Ultimately I think I kept losing traction with it because everything felt so slow.
>walk around
>kill everything
>fill inventory slots
>sell stuff I knew I wouldn't need
>go back out
>fill inventory slots
>unlock next area
>fill inventory slots
The furthest I got was the labyrinth. I got lost inside or couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do and couldn't be bothered to finish it. I have no ill will toward the game though. Just not my thing.
The game is a crashfest. Couldn't play for more than a few minutes without it crashing.
Do you have a HD or SSD?
>tried a few builds
>got to lab but didn't finish it
Delve would be perfect as endless mode you can start in but they have to keep that awesome content down to shill horrible atlas.
HDD. I'm playing it on PS4. Delirium campaign is a million times worse than CotA crashwise.
I think it drops you to homescreen if you even hiccup on connection. Couldn't go more than a few minutes before a crash.
my fps won't go above 50 this league and often floats around 20 to 30
No mods, although the reasoning for that is obvious.
>pos4 retard
Unfortunate, this game is pretty much unplayable on consoles. PoE console ports are disaster and probably hurt more than helped.
They just gave up and waiting for next gen at this point.
Lol its a free game I don't care ya loser.
I play way too much on league start and after I get AL 8 sirus down I'm bored for 2.5 more months
> DontSayNWord
That's some next level humor.
>needlessly obtuse mechanics that don't actually do anything
>"You can make any build!" when only 5-6 builds are actually viable
>Purposefully don't allow respects because...GGG is too lazy. That's really it
>Fanbase that parrots the same exact terrible excuses when people complain about the above
POE was such a disappointment