Elder Scrolls Online - Skyrim I mean Greymoor

You guys excited to re-visit Skyrim in 3 weeks? Kino is back on the menu boys

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I wish the core combat in ESO was more fun, and they re-vamped the old base-game zones. The DLC is more fun because it is newer and has more stuff.
I just want a good MMORPG, is that to much to ask?

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>'member Skyrim and Dawnguard'
Fuck MMO's and their dumb consumer base

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Is TESO actually enjoyable?

I always ignored it but it seems to have just been getting silently huge over the years.

God no, the gameplay is dogshit and held together by animation cancelling and meta faggotry

Recently reinstalled it, remembered my character is level 200 and I've completely forgotten how to play

Help me anons do I just make a new character or what? I don't particularly want to go through the main quest alone, I'd rather just pick up Skurrim and play that since it's been a few years as well

The gameplay isn't as good as Skyrim if that is what you are asking.
It is one of the best MMORPGs right now, but that just speaks to the dire state MMORPGs are in.
Combat is kinda boring and repetitive and NPCs/quests feel shallow.

I honestry doubt it. Elsweyr's story was complete trash. Lmao dragons is bethesda's worst idea.

This, every time I try it the game feels like a single player game where no one interacts or talks to each other. I spent my time trying to party with anyone and getting ignored then uninstalled the game.

are the servers still absolute ass?

At least Blackreach looks pretty I guess. I wish the game ran better on my computer though. Especially in the Cyrodiil PvP area. A 1070 with shadows disabled shouldn't have it dropping below 60fps.

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Is the combat still dogshit?

Ads are getting lazy nowadays

IS ESO even good?

t. someone that has only played morrowind and some of oblivion

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ah yes ESO
the MMO where every single fucking quest is some kind of earth-shattering universe-ending plot where only YOU can save everyone
and it all boils down to pressing 1-2-3-4 until a few health bars empty

Combat is the same as it was when the game launched. I doubt they will ever change due to how hard it will be to re-balance the entire game.

no way it's as big as skyrim itself.

It's especially good if you haven't played Skyrim.

Consumer base? You mean Elder Scrolls fans?

I finished ESO vanilla for the first time a week ago and the story was so shit i stopped instantly, what a letdown of a game, i went to the morrowind map and it was also so changed from the original it looked like a Skyrim mod
Played the original MW two months ago and it was x100 times better

>ESO isn't that good of a MMORPG
>MFW it is still one of the top played MMORPGs on the market, and there is nothing else to choose from
Apparently there is somewhere between 25,000~100,000 people playing ESO at any given time between the Steam version and the Website version.

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it had it's chance. for me, shit servers killed it off.
oh, and they made some sort of RNG gamble shit their main priority.

if anyone reads this DO NOT get it on STEAM

ESO’s armor is so fucking bad. Absolutely retarded generic shit that ruins the game.

ESO's morrowind plotline is absolutely ludicrous
it's actually fascinating to play through for that alone

Barely made 20 hours into ESO. Utterly boring garbage.

>Riften stables
>enthusiastic RPers

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I was considering checking it, but people are complaining about shit Steam integration for this game, so I'll pass. I'm not interested enough to bother with another launcher.

Actually, All the RP'ers are at The Withered Tree Pub in Riften between noon and 8pm pst.
You can normally find them in the middle of some sort of ERP.

That's not evidence of quality though, simply how shit the MMO market is, as proof you've got Old Republic still dropping expansions to this day

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She's a big girl

ESO's visuals in general are dogshit