Zoomers are unironically going "I am so glad Zack and Aerith don't die in this version."

>Zoomers are unironically going "I am so glad Zack and Aerith don't die in this version."

I fucking hate what FF7R is doing. Let's just never kill off a fictional character ever again. Let's remake Star Wars so Obi-Wan doesn't die. Let's remake Lord of the Rings so Boromir doesn't die. God forbid we ever feel anything while playing a game other than "WEEEE SWORD GO ZOOM!"

Schools need to get rid of participation trophies and bring back bullying. Look at what garbage people the system is producing.

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They both gonna die just a bit more animeish

i thought ff7r ended before it got to the point where she dies

New timeline = she's not going to die.

In fact, I expect Nomura to have Tifa die instead, if anything.

You want to fuck Obi-Wan and Boromir?

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Gayboy Nomura will kill off all of the girls and endgame will be CloudxSephiroth

She can kill somebody with that chin.

Aerith is the only one that can stop Meteor. She has to die 100%

Hello there.

Why make a story without tension? If you already know the end result, there's no tension.

>Let's remake Star Wars so Obi-Wan doesn't die
Honestly, Alec Guinness fucking hated Star Wars with a passion so this would never happen.

>Let's remake Lord of the Rings so Boromir doesn't die
Sean Bean is required to die in every film he's in.

If Tifa dies Final Fantasy will kill Square Enix.

I seriously hope they'll kill Tifa in the Remake instead. The tears will be delicious

>New timeline = she's not going to die.
There is no new timeline.

In 2020, females never die

That would honestly be kino. There are certain mindfuck things they could do with the next games to capture the same emotions of the original but still surprise people who know the original plot. Of course they could also just shit the bed entirely so who knows.

Fucking Nomurafag play the game before defend it.

You are a fucking idiot sheep.

If i was sheep i would be spewing vitriol about it like everyone else


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>i don't care about anything yet i must still inject myself into other peoples' conversations

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In part 2 Tifa will die when Aeris was meant to.
In part 3 Tifa will be revived at the end and Aeris will move to a dimension where she can be with Zack.
Nomura has come to LOATHE mortality, probably the result of him being trapped in the body of a 50 year old with the mind of a 13 year old that doesn't know how to grow up, you can see it in his interviews.

Uh oh, the Changebad Brigade is has arrived!

I just hope Nomura gets coronavirus so they hire a director that isn’t a fanfic writer

>1:1, ESL, 'more excited now!', Doomer!, changebad.
How's the quality of that plastic motorcycle? Was it worth $300?

>Schools need to get rid of participation trophies and bring back bullying. Look at what garbage people the system is producing.
Why can't retards help themselves from spouting the most retarded of rhetoric.

Zack is a giant bait and I am convinced he is already dead, Aerith will die anyway or better she will accept to die anyway when it will be discovered that the original is the good ending, and Cloud will see her die despite having promised that this time he will save her, it is so predictable that I almost like it

Zack is dead in remake timeline. His survival scene, as well as biggs, jessie and wedges hinted survivals, is other timelines. The point was to demonstrate that things arent fated to always go how they did when the time ghosts were around, there might be versions of reality where everyone gets happy endings. Pretty lame but thats how it is

Maybe they'll kill Tiffany this time