What are some very short (2-3 hour) games that you would recommend?

You can beat most of the classic Resident Evil and Silent Hill games in that time, though the first run typically takes at least twice that long. They got tons of replay value though.

Attached: REmake Jill Fireplace.jpg (1920x1080, 443.47K)

Cod 2.


Attached: Ruiner Trafficking.webm (853x480, 2.78M)

Hotline Miami and Furi(if you’re not a scrub)

Mirror's Edge

Attached: ME The Edge.webm (853x480, 2.76M)

This game is sick, especially with the music on full blast, but don't play on kbm

Katana Zero

The Sims 4

In what world those are legit first playthrough 2 hours game?

liberation maiden 3ds