Is Chrono Cross the ultimate brainlet filter?
Is Chrono Cross the ultimate brainlet filter?
Brainlet? no.
Taste? Yes.
It's a shit game
Only good things about it is saving Schala from Chrono Trigger and the soundtrack
Game's pretty simple, not sure what it should ever hope to filter.
nice grafx, shit story
this, how could they follow up one of the best jrpg with this garbage
Cross will always be inferior to Trigger and not loved as much and that TRIGGERS the autists and there's nothing they can do about it
imagine being pissed by cross's existence, and not accepting of the game on it's own terms (fyi, the game isn't a sequel, it's a game that takes place in the same universe)
As much as I don't care much for those games, I like Cross a lot more than Trigger, it's a much better game in most respects outside of the lack of visible encounters and a worse main battle theme.
I seriously can't think of anything that Trigger does better than Cross.
um everything! better characters, better story
Kinocross claims another victim KEK
>play CC first
>>blown away
>play CT second
>>great but nowhere near the hype
It was a weird mix, could have worked better as its own thing
>+Combat based on stamina system made up for neat combo attacks which made you actually think what you did and adjust to the situation
>+Gorgeous visuals in a lot of places
>Bitching and soothing/relaxing and sometimes exciting music
>+ or -(depending how you see it) ditched Akira Toriyama (DB, DBZ, Arale, etc) and used Shoji Kawamori (Vision of Escaflowne) for strange art
>-A lot of attacks last 3 fucking centuries, Jesus fucking Christ
>-Tried to cram all sorts of ridiculous characters just because they could instead of focusing on a solid cast
>-Story is a clusterfuck that shits all over the original plot of CT
see these filtered plebs above
Fuck you Miguel, you plain looking motherfucker
>-Story is a clusterfuck that shits all over the original plot of CT
Nigger, it does shit on the original cast so fucking hard, it shits SO HARD on it, that they had to alter the DS port title with retarded tie ins in order to "appease" the shit they did
>Dalton bending over the OP as hell original cast that could destroy an interplanetary biological space conqueror/weapon
>Lucca jobbing against Lynx
>Robo jobbing in text version
>Magus discarded even though they were going to include him because they decided to focus on the 33+ characters thing
>CC Ultimania mentioning how the game isn't really a sequel per se but more of a branching scenario
>better characters
Such as?
I don't really remember much about Trigger's cast since it was incredibly bland and lifeless, even in terms of visual design Cross has vastly more interesting and visually striking designs, not to mention a more interesting and well realized setting, CT's world was a generic fantasy world and a dead wasteland with a map (actually three) that was 90% empty, like most JRPGs of the time.
>better story
>In a videogame
Both stories were kiddy shit, and say what you want about Kato's nonsense, but at least Cross doesn't stop making sense 10 minutes in.
>CC Ultimania mentioning how the game isn't really a sequel per se but more of a branching scenario
this is literally the point ya simp, Chrono Cross is an exploration of "What if?" - Miguel literally mentions that there are thousands of realities that die all the time. Serge's world where Porre have overrun the continent is not the same as the Another world where it hasn't happened yet.
>Cross doesn't stop making sense 10 minutes in
>Most of the stuff ingame is unexplained
>Some characters just pop off and disappear, with explanations given in storyline guides
>The whole, rhythm of elements garbage plot
>The whole "the world stopped because it heard the cries of a boy during the storm"
>All the cringy/retarded/cliche shit in the main storyline
The only thing Cross had was visuals and a handful of good songs.
The story was just as nonsensical as Trigger's, both are Japanese vidya standard schlock.
>>Magus discarded even though they were going to include him because they decided to focus on the 33+ characters thing
>game entirely about saving his sister.
>his primary motivating factor for all his actions
>he's not in it
Nah you cuck, as a sequel it sucks donkey cock, why bother doing a Gaiden title without saying it is one only via extra documents in Japan only guides or interviews? It could have been better received as its own thing
That is why we didn't get Chrono Break
Nah. The combat is a little abstruse but easily understandable through playing it enough (which people on Yas Forums apparently don't do at all). For me the story is not intelligent, it's just convoluted. I don't hate the 'bad' ending the original heroes get but it was also unnecessary. The music could be considered a brainlet filter though, it's composed in a very intelligent way.
Wasn't the sequel CT deserved but it's a good game in its own right.
We didn't get Chrono Break because Masato Kato didn't want Chrono Break
If you actually want a chrono game that isn't made by the original writers and team then be my guest
DS Trigger retcons it so he loses his memories and becomes Guile. But it doesn't matter, because Chrono Cross undoes itself at the end, leaving everybody in a happy good timeline without the edgelord Porre shit and the main party dying.
Squenix (granted not the original dream team or Squaresoft itself) acknowledges Cross as canon, every modern remake of CT has featured the fall of Guardia as a cutscene and has Once-King Dalton there to explain Porre's military presence. Does it make any fucking sense for Porre to have animosity towards Guardia even with Dalton riling them up? Absolutely not. Did the war happen anyway? Canonically, yes. We'll never find out if Marle and Crono survived either but they most likely did. Lucca may also be dead.
We did get Chrono Break, it's on the phone and called Another Eden.
Not entirely true
>Remember the announcement from Squenix about the DS port
>Squenix holding Chrono Break hostage by saying they would think about future CT related titles depending on how the sales went
>Game had lukewarm sales
>CB lost forever
I remember that shit, Yas Forums was fucking mad about it
Whilst this might be true, I expect Square Enix just said that to make people buy the port.
Even then, I wouldn't want a Chrono game made by the standard Final Fantasy team. It'd be like playing a Mother game not written by Shigesato itoi
At this point I just want closure, fucking Squenix