Im starting to think that even without time jannies and the ending people would have clung on to something to hate
Im starting to think that even without time jannies and the ending people would have clung on to something to hate
wow first time on Yas Forums?
I would have bought it if it had no time jannies/sephiroth in midgar
where do you think you are?
Even if a game would be literally perfect (impossible) Yas Forums would just argue that it is too perfect and therefore bad.
Like the insane amount of filler fetch quests and the fact that the game isn't even finished?
Everyone loves the game except for the part that involves nu-Sephiroth and the time jannies. It's literally the only thing that people didn't like. It's not even up for debate here.
This, i'm stuck inside because of quarantine but I don't want to reward the developers of this shit and their bone retarded decisions but buying it.
>people would have clung on to something to hate
This is absolutely true, which is why I don't necessarily think they made an outright bad decision. I however don't think it was the right decision, but I do think it's bold and respect the ambition.
>insane amount
There isn't that many, all the side shit just ends up being more time spent talking or slow walking through transition points. You can also skip most of them, but they tied decent rewards to them.
Side quests, and how visually poor the slums are. Not even slum aesthetic, the texture work is abysmal. The skybox also is either very beautiful or downright embarrassing. Lighting during the day is also trash.
No playable Red XIII is a huge one for me, just fucking do it you lazy bastards.
I haven't even played the game and I can already tell the time jannies are actually the party from a 2nd alternate timeline where they saved aerith and the entire planet went to shit as a consequence. predictable as oatmeal
People from third world shitholes who can't afford the game will always shit on the latest came they are unable to pirate. That's how it goes. Just call them out for the retarded apes they are.
I was out of this remake when it was announced it was Midgar only.
When I first bought the game for PS1, I didn't know about memory cards. I would keep starting a new game and playing through Midgar. Even as a 12-year old I was able to get through Midgar in a about 2 hours and get to Junon in less than 3 hours. Making that section of the game, which is about 15%, into a full game is impossible. It's an incomplete story and not worth $60. I don't know how people can defend getting 15% of a game. But after seeing what's happened to Pokemon and how people still buy those game, I guess anything is possible.
im loving the game but this is the one critisim i share . sephiroth is supposed to be evil, but hes also supposed to be the best fighter , cold, and thinks hes above everyone else.
sephiroth talks to cloud way too much for someone that thinks hes a mindless doll. and takes too much pleasure in taunting him. this drags him down. he should be cruel, intelligent , calculating. and almost robotic, but his motives should remain evil.
the time jannies dont bother me though#dontletherdieagain
OP instead of being butthurt about FF7R that not everybody on earth likes it and some of the old veterans hate it, why don't you just go and play the damn game if you love it so much?
Since release you faggots have been shitting up the board. How about playing the game you're shilling so hard for?
How is it impossible you retard? I'm sorry but just because it takes you two hours in the original that was made 20 years ago to get out of midgar does not mean shit, your logic is fucking stupid, you're stupid.
Yes retard, because even without the stupid fanfic story the game has flaws, like bad graphics and bad gameplay.
Go be a shill somewhere else, faggot.
The death of Aerith was one of the most kinomoments in FF7 maybe even in gaming history. They had the potential to make it legendary again.
Instead the game has to cater to... toddlers I guess? Can't show those poor babies dead people after all!
But this game is shit, that's why it gets criticized.
The NPCs and lazy slum design alone would make any sensible people realize that there is literally no artistic integrity involved in this.
Wow I didn't know you already played the next two parts
Better to let the trolls starve on crumbs than to spoon feed them trash like this cash grab did. It'll be months before the spam threads finally die off.
So, PC port in 2021, yeah?
Look, i was promised a faithful remake, and even if we remove time jannies, what i got was
>insane amount of padding, simple places turned into hour long FF 13 hallways
>tons of railroaded sections and other "hidden loadings"
>shitty "kill rats" meme sidequests
>a mediocre combat system that tries to be action and RPG at the same time but fails miserably at both
>an inconsistent soundtrack
>god awful textures and NPC, i meand for fuck sake as soon as you're done with the first bombing mission shit goes down the toilet graphically
These fuckers lied through their teeth and absued people's nostalgia in a disgustingly scummy way. And of top of it, the product they shit out is medicore as fuck. And you dare fucking ask "why are people mad"?
I'm starting to think that shills ran out of arguments. That's what I think.
I'm makes plenty of sense. It's 15% of the game's story. How is that hard to understand?
Nah, time jannies and early Sephiroth are just shit.
Absolutely screams "oh fuck, we only have the budget for midgar, how can we stretch it as thin as possible?"
You see that is also a major flaw. Why sell the game in parts? But even without playing the game, you can already see that those "time jannies" will fix things that should not be fixed. One of those things will be Aeriths dead.
I can imagine they will play a cutscene of Sephiroth stabbing her but then some time janny flies by and brings her back to the living just like that.
They already did that with that big black guy, Barret I think?
>people would have clung on to something to hate
Yeah irrelevant stuff like Tifas breast size.
The problem is you're an ignorant tard kys
the main theme first played when you escaped midgar with aerith (completing zack's mission) and you see the sun for the first time...
Now the main theme plays in the seventh heaven bathroom by the toilet for the first time. Wtf is that shit. Also showing the kalm flashback during the bombing mission is retarded. What are they gonna show in kalm then??? If they kept the story exact and pure, this wouldve been the best game of all time. The battles and the graphics are sooo fucking fun and good but the story presentation is fucking retarded.
Like ... ff7 is hailed as the best ever for its pacing and story. Why they decided to ruin the 2 most perfect things idk. And theyre giving themselves more work just remake the original script fuck.
>make the game into multiple parts
>proceed to pad it out with mindless quests
What the hell. You could have trimmed the fat you added for filler and just made the game a single release.
Alright, disregarding the ending and the time jannies, I have a problem with the fact that hack and slash doesn't fall off in damage and become solely an ATB generator.
>They already did that with that big black guy, Barret I think?
Kill yourself
Have fun finding anything like this in the remake.
this. "lol you would've complained anyway so nothing matters" is a fucking hilarious attitude.
Yeah well the texure work and combat system aren't great either but people were willing to look past that as long as it was actually a REMAKE and not a REBUILD
No argument, huh? Looks like I'm right.
lol no.
the main characters are dressed oddly compared to NPCs and stand out like a sore thumb. makes no sense.
the pacing is all fucked. do a quest, even if it has only been 5 min, the characters say "let's go check back in" and the quest giver acts like you've been away for hours. makes no sense.
the textures are dogshit.
way too many fetch quests.
way too much filler that adds little to nothing to the story.
combat is ff15 over again which is terrible. dunno why they couldn't just implement a turn-based system that works and keep it.
linear hallway simulator that reminds many of ff13.
holy shit it's bad
The point of the time jannies is that Nomura was acutely aware that fans would sperg over every single individual change and cry about it
7R is terrible
how did nomura fuck up this hard
I agree entirely with you. It's absolutely astounding the way people are. When you grow up you kind of think "people aren't so easily fooled" but it turns out, yes they fucking are. People wonder how regimes like the CCP come to power, well this is how. People are just so eager to get fucked.
Anyone else notice at the end when Barret and Red XIII are shooting at the giant spooky retcon dementor that Barret's shot made no noise and Red XIII's Stardust Ray had no animation at all? The fuck was that about
It isn't 1:1 to the original, you fucking monkey. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Get a life bazztek
>the trail leading the the Shinra President isn't blood, it's mysterious purple goo
>President Shinra isn't dead, he's hanging off the side of the building for some reason
>Sephiroth stabs him and Barret, some weird grey mist comes out
>Barret saved somehow by ghosts
How long until the Shinra troops are using walkie-talkies instead of guns?
I'm not that much of a fan of FF7. Didn't play the original and only seen some snippets of the remake. But its still a massive loss for everybody that likes RPG games in general.
I'd be outraged if the devs of darkest dungeon would randomly decide to just retcon everyting with time jannies.
The OST is also inferior to the original.
>comparing a video game to a totalitarian state that uses fear to control
That's going to be a yikes from me. No, rather the world is fucked partly because of the dunning kruger effect and complete morons like yourself.
People exaggerate the "fetch quests" complaint so much.
Hearing about it before I played the game I thought they'd padded the game horribly and at least half of it would be XV tier shitty hunting sidequests with no plot progression.
In reality there's like, 1-2 hours of sidequests every 4 chapters or so? Which I'm guessing amount to 10 hours total of side content by the end of the game, most of it optional and easily skippable? And on top of that the combat is actually good so I don't even mind doing them for extra rewards, they're nice brief changes of pace from how story-heavy the game is overall.
Guys...guys, hear me out. We have all of the models, we have tons of dialogue and areas and gameplay already. And FF7R doesn't make sense if you haven't played FF7. So what if they just remake FF7 properly?
So they make a remake parallel to the remake?
Probably but honestly everything I’ve seen has been brimming with soul and the time jannies and Sephiroth utterly ruin it, it’s really unfortunate. I don’t even mind most of the additions other than the time jannies
Well yeah, because you'd still have the fact that the game just ends prematurely in the shittiest place possible and the fact that it is padded as fuck. Seriously, why in God's name does it take SO FUCKING LONG to reach the god damned second reactor? Holy shit, it's like a never ending ending series of empty hallways and catwalks.
What are you talking about OP? People are loving this game.
Yas Forums is not people. Never take anything that you hear here seriously
It'll never happen, but maybe. If it comes to PC maybe some sane modder will just remove all the Sephiroth and retcon Dementors and use the models to actually remake the game. It could happen. Shut up
Well yeah, that's true by default. None of those areas are in the game at all. Except maybe a Nib flashback.
XV was gorgeus. Too bad they'll never use Luminous again
I bought the deluxe edition. Saw that they removed the mini polygons plus x spam battle system?
They should have just left it at 2 hours. The only thing midgar was good for was getting out of it