What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

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>Pull the bike over and fuck me already!

Attached: Jessie rocking.webm (1920x1080, 2.63M)

>Literally humping his fucking back
There are limits to thirst, fucking hell.

The worst part of the remake is realizing no girl will ever want you as bad as Jess or love you as much as tifa

Everyday I get closer to pulling the trigger, bros

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Is this true bros

need to be good with yourself, by yourself before you start being concerned with thotty toddy

He looks so fucking pissed off

She mistook Cloud for a prostitute manwhore, because all he ever talks about is doing things for the right price


I am happy with myself. It just feels unrealistic that a woman could love you or want you that bad. Its not a "im not good enough" thing, its a "women can't love you like that" thing

Dumb fucking normalnigger. Fuck off to facebook or twitter.

They miss some subtly. Jessie is kinda nice to Cloud but in this she just lusts for his dick. Also everyone is a little too pretty in the Japanese sense.

Try to be half as cool as Cloud is and they will. You have to accomplish something.

>Oh woe is me, women don't find me sexually attractive
I wonder why, you thick cunt.

It's not love, it's desire, do you believe Jessie would want Cloud if she knew he is a crybaby? He is worse than Tidus.


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Jessie was subtle in the original, not in the remake. Like SquareEnix getting a parade to start playing FF7 overworld theme in the Midgar slums, they have no talent to reign them in and make the game retain the feeling of the original without 'REMEMBER BERRIES' every 10 seconds.

I think I hate Jessie more now because of the retards who latch on to this whore.

Japs are gay autists and think adult women want skinny scene boys for some reason. At least SE.

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Im not fat
So I should just act like cloud and women will want me? It might work

>Eww cooties

Attached: 1586488104056.webm (900x498, 1.87M)

>something else pressing into his back rather than a cold metallic breastplate

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>So I should just act like cloud and women will want me? It might work

Not act, become. Like do things and accomplish things. Cloud is (or at least was thought to be) an elite member of hte military and is now fighting as a merc and terrorist. That's something.

everyone wants to ride Cloud's BWC: The game.

Him and Tifa are Hafus anywyas. Medium sized dicks.

I thought I was supposed to bee myself. I've had sex and been with women, but I've just never had one want me as hard as Jess wants cloud, is it possible to reach that point or is it Nomura fanfic

>I thought I was supposed to bee myself.

You should be yourself, but yourself shouldn't be a whiny bitch. You should be cool.

Don’t fall for it bro

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Based and Wedgepilled

>he didnt get the kiss from jessie after the bike run

How do I bee cool? I have the problem of talking a lot, should I just act like cloud and barely talk and when I do respond come off as a dick

>getting kiss from girl

No way fag

>All Women are whores bro

What did he mean by that lads?

Lad the only women that want you like that are mentally ill and either just want simps to chase them or want to get knocked up. There’s a reason cloud says “bad idea” when you try to go to Jesses house and it has nothing to do with her roommates.

The only people who want this shit have never had a mentally ill stalker cunt trying to trap them into simping or alimony.

Go out.
Try at least.
Godammit it's not that hard.

just be pic related

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