The last half hour of your gayman has been streamed on national television

The last half hour of your gayman has been streamed on national television,
how fucked are you?
>hard mode: there was facecam too

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Dragon Quest 11 with stronger enemies on and I'm getting my shit pushed in by a fucking octopus.
I'd be demonitized the moment I called it a piece of shit that I hope gets eaten live by a gook.

Mount and Blade Viking Conquest with the Dark Age mod, even with a facecam not very fucked

just me going through weapon stories lol. switch the channel, nothing to see here

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Just 30 minutes of me quietly making my way through the first areas of dark souls 3 without anything special happening besides me being unable to aim firebombs at barrels

Pretty bad, was trying one of them toehoes for the first time.

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>played a couple of matches on tekken 7
>probably the better matches I've had with that game recently, could have gone way worse
>last person I played with was a mirror match
>he 1-3 me the first time
>I came back with 3-1 the second time

Was pretty good. I'd say my facial expression was normal for the most part.

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half life 1 xen
literally have the facial expression like I'm holding a shit in on every single platform I jump
constant quicksaving and reloading

>Rockman X DiVE pvp
Not very. I had some great comebacks and hit GA in ranked.
Just me cussing my head off when someone won for extreme latency issues because the devs haven't launched North American servers yet.

Playing Mafia 1 half drunk
Should be alright

>Fallout 4 with the vore mod
Oh god oh fuck

>>he 1-3 me the first time
>>I came back with 3-1 the second time
round 3 when?

I keep seeing fags with TV and YT in their names in Rocket League so it probably has been, and no one saw it

>Dominions 5
Messed with new builds which isn't a problem. But, I took a PBEM turn; so, it would show me losing a battle and, the bad part, turn mailing. However, I use my professional email for PBEM so no promotions or shit would be exposed. It would expose my email though and I would get trollspam.
>national television
nvm actually
no one watches cable anymore in my country

me doing this mission with vergil over and over and finally deciding to use items for the first time after hundreds of hours in the series just to get the dumb blue orb

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>serious sam 3 in VR

Would probably make people motion sick just watching it.

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Me being rekt in combat mission and my poker face because I didn't expect another result. Nothing serious.

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The beginning of Persona 5 Royal. Mostly story and cutscenes. Nothing to be ashamed here.

now the world knows how much i suck at AG racing

>Rayman Revolution
I mean, I think people would think why's this grown man playing a 20 year old kids game. I got a bit frustrated in places too because I was on the shit final boss so I would probably look really fucking autistic.

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The gook food ate shit and died

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They'll see me fuck up runs of the Boneworks pistol course until I get a good recording, but I've seen people come away from that shit with 8 minute course times and I usually average between 2 minutes and 30 seconds to 5 minutes, so I think I'll be fine. I don't think a facecam would do much since you wouldn't be able to see it behind my VR headset, you'd probably see a slight exhausted smile because I was enjoying myself.

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Just gathering stuff in the Guiding Lands and bonking and occasional monster for a shiny while watching Parasite. Pretty good movie. Probably get banned for streaming the movie.

well for the last half hour i just batted off to "magic tea makes family into sluts", so you tell me?

Dark Souls 3, farming for vertebra shackles. It's so mindnumbingly boring that nobody would watch it for half an hour, nor my bored face.

>felt nostalgia and tried to play Rayman M last week
>ps2 booted up fine but it was as if the disc wasn't there
fugg haven't used it in so long and it might have broken

>fucking around on a motorcycle in botw
>running over animals
>found three korok seeds
what quality television

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>30 minutes of mining amethyst in the falador mining guild while I look disinterested away and only glance at the screen once every ~60 seconds.

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>jerkin it to old flash games
>face twisted into something between nostalgia and orgasmic bliss
I'd say it'd be quite alright.

Hope they like watching me stroke my big dick while side climbing in warthunder

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30 minutes of me playing 7days with my friends, sneakily digging out a cavern underneath our base, probably really boring to watch.
Tune in today to see me detonate explosives in there during the next zombie invasion.

It was me getting absolutely shit on in Dragon Ball FighterZ but I'm not sure how expressive my frustration is so I'm sure I'd be fine.

I probably would not be fine.

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I'm cool, it was mostly me eating a bowl of cereal with The Witcher 3 in the background.

awkward to say the least

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