Intentionally try to create the most unlikable character

>intentionally try to create the most unlikable character
>accidentally create the most likable character

How do you fuck up this badly?

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>How do you fuck up this badly?
You could ask the same about the ending.

smooth brain detected

Thank god for Cuckichi the best part of his character was insulting this disgusting whore
>b-but she merely pretended

Because no matter how obnoxious or annoying a character is, if their design is cute people are going to like them and see their flaws as funny quirks. If they really wanted to make Miu unlikable they would have made her the token ugly/weird looking character of the cast.

fuck off danganautists

No she wasn't?

We need more Miu pron, she would approve too

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Pretty sure Touko is supposed to be the most unlikable character but she's still my favorite.

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good at least you're not a blind waifufag who wants to have a cake and eat it too (innocent slut waifu)

pseud detected

Miu was my favorite character

played the first 2, how does the 3rd rank among them

Japanese voices or English voices? I'm tired of all the MCs sounding like girls.

Jap, no question


2>3>Kokichi=Komaeda>muh ultimate rich boi

DRv3 has pretty good English voice acting honestly. Kokichi does a great job.

Nah it's Akane, since Akane is just Aoi but without any of the groundedness that Aoi has. She's just a meme for the tiddies she has.

If the first sets up the concept, the second goes wild with it, then the third goes kinda dark with it. At least, it always felt like the darkest to me. The color palette for everything is a lot duller than the prior two games, that combined with the setting always gave it a kind of uncomfortable feeling to me.
The ending is complete shit though. If you enjoyed the first two games you'll hate the closing moments to the third.
Postgame content is nice though.

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dubs are cancer and so are you.

But every single fucking male in Danganronpa sounds like a FEMALE. WHY

Honestly both are fine.

They think something as trivial as a scat fetish can deter me?

no, dubs are cancer. You probably think the US release of the original Godzilla is fine too, you pleb. There's a reason places like Cannes don't have dubs.

because it's what the director intended.

3 is just as good as 2 until the ending.

What a slippery slope.

You'd want English then

Pretty much this, though i liked hajima a bit more as the mc

Nobody likes Tenko

nothing I posted was a slippery slope, but considering you like dubs it is no wonder you made such a mistake.

>Played v3 as soon as it came out
>Still not sure if I liked the ending or not
Anyone else feel this way?

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Unsure if it was because I played 3 while having 41 C of fever, but it definitely wasn't as enjoyable as 2

I've heard of a few fellas who like Tenko. I think she'd be enjoyed a lot more if her design wasn't pretty ugly.
Meanwhile I've never seen any Akane fans beyond people who like her tits.

To be frank, those massive fucking honkers is all Akane need in order for me to like her.
I like Tenko, she's funny.

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It was a good twist but Kaede should've remained the protag for 3 honestly. I miss her bros.

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why even do the "you play as the protagonist SYKE" trick when the game uses dumbshit logic to hide what they actually did from the player? It wasn't clever, it was an ass pull.

Yeah it's always came off a bit weird who they decided to keep around for the late game in each one. Some of them I expected to be killed off sooner than they were (mainly the more boring ones like Peko) whereas others I was surprised they got killed off at all like Nekomaru (well the second time he got killed I mean). I'd say V3 probably came the closest out of them with who stuck around until the late game since the only characters who I felt had more to give were both post-death cases (Ryoma & Rantaro).

reminder she was supposed to originally be the big bad villainess of 2