Is it worth playing?

Is it worth playing?
I'm desperate for a new absorbing open-world game

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Yes, but actually finish it and dont quit just because it's slow. If you even remotely enjoy playing it you should see it through

On one hand the open-world aspect is pretty weak, the world is small and there is not that much to do in it, despite killing enemies. On the other hand, long travels in this game actually feel like real adventures and are more lengthy than the walk in the park travels in Skyrim tend to be. Also the night is scary as fuck and actually dark.
It's a great game with many flaws, but with the special something in so many seeping through many aspects. The start is relatively slow, stick to it, at least try to get to the big city.

Can't go wrong with a masterwork.

>It's a great game with many flaws, but with the special something in so many seeping through many aspects.

This. Its very rough in a lot of places and the game is far from fully realized but its still really good. Its why people are hoping for a DD2, to fix the many flaws of the first and build further on the great parts.

I bought it on sale but I don't even know what this actually is. I heard it was made from the DMC guy so it must be good.

yes, go assassin after you reach level 10 for maximum fun. they do it all

>they do it all
Except any form of defence

It's grindy, repetetive, has like 5 enemy types total and the story is awful

I really like Gransys despite its small size, hang out at Heavenspeak Fort

I'm going to make a cunny pawn mage and nobody can stop me.

>it is worth playing
Yes its fucking great
>open world game
Stay away.

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>It's grindy, repetetive, has like 5 enemy types total and the story is awful
Grindy? Only if you're after BBI stuff...

Or dealing with Everfall RNG bullshit

Its just another buzzword at this point. I wouldnt try to substantiate someones retarded drivel.

It's amazing, just look at my pimp hat.

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>Magick Archer


MA is the tits, bro. What the hell.

Sorry, but the only acceptable vocations are Warrior and Mystic Knight

>Sorry, but the only acceptable vocations are Warrior and Mystic Knight

Not if you want to play a caster.
Warrior and archer are fun though

Guess Fighter is also acceptable, he has it rougher than Warrior. Shield skills are mostly useless, perfect blocks don't shit out magic, and no high stagger/knockdown like Warrior

Im pretty sure i was told by an user that fighter has the highest DPS of all the melee classes. Im not sure how true it is though.

Absolute lie, Strider under the right conditions deals massive DPS that can melt Condemned Gorecyclops in seconds

it has a lot of charm, and a few of the dungeons feel really great (I loved clearing the goblins out of shadowfort). if you find a vocation that really clicks for you then the combat can be a lot of fun too.
I loved magick archer. was originally planning on trying out most of the classes, but once I started using MA I just stuck with it until the end.

Obviously strider has higher DPS.

>Strider uses physical weapons, the primary weapon are melee daggers
Is there a problem?

Dragon's Maw is pretty great, though.

>ranger uses physical weapons, the primary weapon are melee daggers
>magic archer uses physical weapons, the primary weapon are melee daggers

My only complaint about MA is that it's way overpowered.

The primary weapons for Ranger and Magick Archer are the longbow and magick bow

my nigga

The open-world aspect of the game felt amazingly fresh to me, even though there are a lot of anons in here saying they found it to be off-putting. Then again, I mostly tried to do exploring at the beginning of the game and got my shit pushed in by a ton of enemies, so the feeling of being able to revisit places I was getting annihilated at and actually being able to get past enemies and explore even further was incredibly satisfying.

It's just a fun game to fuck around in-- really caters to those with a thirst for experimentation and exploration.

Nope, by the same criteria where daggers are the primary weapon for strider because its listed as a primary weapon then so will magic archer and ranger be judged by the same standards. They are all melee classes because the primary weapon is a dagger.

MA especially has some sick ass melee skills though.

The criteria for being a primary weapon is that Striders have more Dagger skills than Bow skills, and get a 66% damage boost while climbing

>no idea how to get to the main hub city
>No indication of what enemies are weak to

Avoid it, OP.

Attached: download.png (600x788, 483.27K)

>No indication of what enemies are weak to
Your pawns literally tell you.

>no idea how to get to the main hub city
Follow the road?

>Using the charge skills
Jump attacks for life

The first 30 hours of the game are going to make you realize that Yas Forums has shit taste when they tell you this is worth playing. It absolutely is a tech demo for the character creation system and the combat. Try it if you're curious, prepare for sunk costs.


*gets surrounded by hellhounds, knocked to the ground, dragged away and mauled to death
yeah it's actually really fun.

Absolutely bullshit backpeddling. Funny that magic archer is still a melee class.
Im out.

Not that guy and he's just purposefully being annoying but daggers are literally equipped into the primary slot, while bows/magick bows go in the secondary. But of course the Magick Archers main weapon would be a magick bow, though some daggers skills are pretty good.

Every. single. time.
>no indication as to whether wolves will be alone or in groups
