Black holes are significant threat during gameplay

>Black holes are significant threat during gameplay

Attached: 1579596067744.jpg (474x352, 22.34K)

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name... uhh 6 games?



omg totally basedoids

Attached: black hole.webm (568x320, 2.56M)

Is this about your mom interrupting your gaming?

Attached: image.jpg (300x300, 10.28K)

black holes are fucking scary

Attached: 2dc10ae21591e2d082a7456da3a735de.jpg (1080x608, 65.01K)

Seriously, how the fuck are we meant to defeat these things if we ever came across them?

Reality warping as physically engaging a black hole is impossible

Super Mario Galaxy

it's just a hole, walk around it or climb out if you fall in

Imagine if you could somehow survive the impossible pressure as you collapse fall into the black hole

what would you actually see?

Attached: boogeyman.jpg (405x544, 26.12K)

literally just don't go near it

something like this

We would just have to nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure


Attached: latest.jpg (353x396, 35.55K)

I can only think of stellaris, and even then they're not a significant threat and just apply a stat effect of making disengagement less likely.


>Running out of fuel in the depths of space and slowly drifting hopelessly towards a black hole
>Knowing that e-burn probably won't save you

Attached: 1567380018838.png (221x228, 72.56K)

Space Taxi

the burden of proof lies with you

black holes aren't real

>game gives you the option to fly right into a black hole to technobabble a solution to your problem
>it's a game over

I like the mod that lets you turn them into bombs.

>Landing on new planet in Outer Wilds
>Walk around a bit
>Suddenly ground starts to sink
>Try to escape
>Too late
>Look down
>Black hole at the planet's core
>Fall into the black hole

Outer Wilds is a cool game.

That was interesting, thanks.

This is a great video also, not about black holes though.

Elite dangerous, your ship overheats and explodes

>Black hole at the planet's core
What the fuck did I just read?

This is like asking "how are we supposed to defeat a cliff?"

Brittle Hollow

I vaguely recall a game with a blackhole gun, well alot of them really but it had that light distortion in OP's pic.

We don't need to defeat him, Lawbreakers was a failure.

Fucking based

Black holes in star sector are fun.