Any multiplayer games where you can betray your team mates?

Any multiplayer games where you can betray your team mates?

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I saw this picture on reddit last week.



Finally I can make Adolph proud

I would have 100% snitched on any Jews lol I don't think this pictures works how you intended

The bottom two are worse.

But with that said I really don't see why someone would snitch for quarantine violation. Unless they're doing something extra retarded like holding a 50-person party in a nursing home.

Why so people think putting their garbage opinions on an image makes it a meme?

I wouldn’t snitch on some one violating quarantine, but I would have DEFINITELY snitched on Annne Frank and Harriet Tubman

>If you will snitch on a person for stealing your bike, you would have snitched on Anne Frank and Hariet Tubman
uh uh nice try nigger

Snitching at all is pretty cringe

snitches get stitches

You're the only one calling it that




Genuine niggers

If I was Hitler and someone snitched on Anne Frank, I'd congratulate them with their favorite meal and then kill them because a snitch is still a snitch.

If anne frank was going around coughing at people, yes, I’d report the shit out of her.
I’d keep calling Hitler’s home number personally until they put me through

No, I would blackmail them instead.


Attached: soygger.png (500x500, 29K)

Moshi moshi
Hitoreru desu

>Harriet Tubman
Literally who

Of course I would have. They are female.

No more room in Hell

>teammate gets bit by zombies
>begs you to give him pills to delay the infection
>shoot him in the head instead

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Those are extremely different situations. Jesus Christ.

If Anne Frank wasn't in danger of being put in a fucking toaster and was endangering others due to her stupid action, I would definitely snitch on her.

Attached: IMG_20200406_224558.jpg (322x322, 22.41K)


Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that vidya game stores are closed I'd be breaking quarantine too.

But I'm not because i've really got no where to go.

Kane & Lynch 2 multiplayer was excellent for that. Being good for almost the entire game, then betraying everyone for the entire lot of cash was so satisfying.

Absolutely would
I'm not gonna get infected because some inbred fucktard doesn't want to follow basic instructions. Honestly if someone is a confirmed case and they repeadiently violate quarientiene that should be grounds for execution.

Ayo mah furhah, dis bitch be hacking an weezing